2013.06.05 PRC Minutes Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission
June 5, 2013
Welcome Park
The Crystal Parks and Recreation Commission meeting was called to order at
7:04 pm by Chairperson Tom Jungroth. Commission members in attendance
were: Ms. Sodd, Ms. Haney, Ms. Merriam, Ms. LaRoche, and Ms. Kolb. Also
present were: Councilmember Peak, Lieutenant Gustafson (P.D.), Mr. Mathisen,
Mr. Rauen and Ms. Hackett from the city staff. In addition, neighbors from the
Welcome Park area were present. City Manager Anne Norris and City Council
Liaison John Budziszewski arrived later.
Mr. Mathisen reviewed city projects in progress and in planning. Projects include:
street reconstruction, alley rebuilding, the back-up water system and installation
of a generator for the Community Center.
Lieutenant Gustafson talked about neighborhood safety, the upcoming police
academy and the new K9 Officer. He informed residents of the small amount of
crime in the neighborhood but added graffiti in the park has been a problem.
Residents made the following comments on the park/programs:
• Request for fencing near the playground since the equipment is near the
busy street.
• Request for a white line on the tennis backboard.
The residents were thanked for their comments and the neighborhood portion of
the meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm.
The Commission business meeting was called to order at 7:40pm.
The Commission discussed buskers in city parks. Ms. Hackett prepared a memo
outlining busking and its first amendment rights. Some cities have put restrictions
on busking in certain areas as they have had issues. These restrictions have
been tested in court to varying degrees. Most Commission members felt that
since Crystal doesn’t have a downtown area, that buskers would not be attracted
to the area. Councilmember Peak thought that by being busker friendly, the city
would attract more people to the parks to see the entertainers. He knows of
entertainers looking for places to busk and would suggest the parks to them as
long as he knows it is not illegal to busk. There was discussion regarding
buskers at special events such as the Frolics, but according to the first
amendment they would be allowed to perform as long as they only take
donations. The Commission felt that busking is not currently an issue in Crystal
parks and no further action was needed. It was suggested that the Recreation
Department consider an “open mike” night on the Becker stage in 2014 to attract
Ms. Hackett informed the Commission that staff is currently working on the 2014
budget preparation.
The Commission reviewed the memo regarding het fishing pier action plan. Mr.
Rauen requested the funds in the 2014 budget request.
Moved by Ms. Kolb and seconded by Ms. Merriam to recommend
to the City Council to move forward with moving the fishing pier to
Twin Lake Shores Park as outlined in the action plan and included
in the 2014 budget request.
Motion carried – unanimous
Mr. Mathisen stated that the possibility of having a sliding hill at Twin Oak Park
should be tabled since Engineering has not had time to study the area. He isn’t
sure there is an appropriate place in the park. He also stated that the North
Lions hill isn’t done yet and would prefer not to take on another project until that
one is completed.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the last Becker Park renovations planning meeting for the
Commission. Additional changes were made to the preliminary plans. It is
hoped that there will be drawings to share at the July meeting.
Mr. Jungroth gave the Chairperson’s report and mentioned that his daughter had
difficulty navigating the Crystal Connect site as she was looking for a specific
program. Ms. Hackett will look into it and reminded members that the brochure is
always online and may be easier to use if looking for a specific program.
Mr. Budziszewski gave the City Council report citing many projects that were
Ms. Haney gave the Crystal Frolics report. Commissioners were asked to help
with events:
• Scavenger Hunt (Nancy): Jennifer (and Ryan) Sodd
• 5K: Lori, Jennifer, John B.
• Splash Bash: Lori, Jennifer
Ms. Haney asked members to help solicit entries for the Pathway Parade.
Mr. Jungroth gave the Crystal Business Report. He participated in the Police
Board’s “Jail and Bail”. He asked the group to sponsor Frolics events.
The monthly reports were given highlighting major activities.
The minutes were approved as sent.
Ms. Hackett announced that there is a group that is working on putting on a
Farmer’s Market in Crystal.
As part of Volunteer Week, the Mayor thanked all Commission members for their
Ms. Sodd asked about extended office hours/evening staff taking registrations as
her husband was not able to complete his transaction after business hours. Ms.
Hackett replied that due to budget cuts, the office closes at 4:30pm and there is a
drop box that the evening staff is supposed to direct customers to use. She will
look into the situation and work with staff if additional training is needed.
The next meeting is July 10 at Cavanagh Park.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:43pm.
Gene Hackett