2011.07.13 PRC Minutes Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes July 13, 2011 Yunker Park The Crystal Parks and Recreation Commission meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by Chairperson Lynn Haney. Commission members in attendance were: Ms. Merriam, Ms. Sodd, and Mr. Moewes-Bystrom. Also present were: Ms. Moore , City Council Liaison; Mr. Anderson, City Council; Ms. Norris, City Manager; Chief Banick, Police Department; Mr. Mathisen, Mr. Rauen and Ms. Hackett from the city staff. Also attending were several residents from the Yunker Park neighborhood. Introductions were made. Ms. Haney gave the purpose of the outdoor meetings. Ms. Norris and Mr. Mathisen gave the city projects report including information from Public Works and Community Development. Chief Banick reviewed recent Police Department activity, Night To Unite information and volunteer opportunities. Ms. Haney informed the attendees about discussions held at the Park Commission level on these topics: Removal of the park building/replace with picnic shelter Walking path around the park The ball field condition Residents made the following comments on these items: o Most attendees thought that a picnic shelter would be a good addition to the park since the building is no longer used. o Kids often climb on the roof of the building. o A walking path would also be a good addition. o Keep the ball field, but weed and maintain it. Residents made the following comments on other park items: o Like the small child play area. o Request for a sandbox with a digger – Mr. Rauen will look into it. o Skating? Since the park is so wet, it is now difficult to flood and maintain ice there. o If a picnic shelter is constructed will there be grills? One or two will be added. o Request for port-a-potty. This can be looked at when the picnic shelter is added. Right now these units have been cut back due to budget limitations. o Resurface the basketball court. This was done a few years ago. o No hanging on rims signage. The rims are made for outdoors use. Mr. Rauen will look into signage. o Tree trimming – Ash tree replacement. Mr. Mathisen and Mr. Rauen explained the city tree replacement and the emerald ash borer plans. Ms. Haney reviewed the process for these plans and requests for the residents. Residents were thanked for their comments. The neighborhood portion of the meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm. The Business meeting was called to order at 7:53pm. Ms. Hackett updated the Commission on the purchase of recreation service by Robbinsdale. Ms. Norris reported on the City Council discussion regarding material storage at Bassett Creek Park. The Council wants to wait until further discussion regarding updating the Public Works facility. Additional discussion was held on the Yunker Park items. Additional ideas included relocating the picnic shelter and perhaps the ball field. Park plans will be refined and discussed in the fall. The monthly reports were reviewed, highlighting major activities. A suggestion was made to move the fishing pier to Twin Lake Shores Park. Additional discussion will be held next month. Ms. Haney gave the Chairperson Report. She noticed that the park section of the city website needed updating and suggested Becker Park rental information be on the website too. She noticed that some of the links to Google maps had wrong names. Ms. Hackett will work with Mr. Berggren on these items. Ms. Sodd mentioned that some of the vending machines at the pool have been out of order. Ms. Hackett said that staff is working with the vendor to correct problems of malfunctions and out of product issues. The office has received some complaints about the closed concession stand. Mr. Moewes-Bystrom said that he had a situation with swim lessons that his child did not pass his class, he wasn’t able to sign up for additional classes since everything was full. In addition, he suggested that the instructors send out a progress report at some pint during the session so parents would know what to work with their child on so that maybe they could pass. Ms. Hackett said that this year’s classes filled very quickly in all sessions. She will talk to the pool manager regarding the progress report. Mr. Moewes-Bystrom also requested that one of the garbage cans near the bike rack at the CCC be moved slightly to accommodate bike trailers. Ms. Moore gave the City Council report. The Council has had several work sessions on various items. Ms. Haney gave the Crystal Frolics report. Helpers are needed for various events: Run: Ms. Merriam, Ms. Sodd, Mr. Moewes-Bystrom, Ms. Hackett and Mr. Schuneman(?) and Mr. Lehnertz (?) (? - from last meeting) Splash Bash: Ms. Merriam, Ms. Sodd Ms. Haney asked members to spread the word about the “Patriotic Parade” in the park. Youth groups are invited to march. Ms. Merriam reminded members of the waffle breakfast at the fire station on Saturday morning. Buttons are available at the CCC. Ms. Haney reminded members of the Crystal Business Association meeting at Becker Park on July 20 th at 8:30am – the Crystal Frolics Committee and the Park and Recreation Department are hosting. The minutes were approved as sent. The next meeting is August 3rd at Forest Park. The meeting was adjourned at 8:38pm. Gene Hackett Recorder