2011.08.03 PRC Minutes
Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission
August 3, 2011
Forest Park
The Crystal Parks and Recreation Commission meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm
by Chairperson Lynn Haney. Commission members in attendance were: Ms. Merriam,
Ms. Sodd, Mr. Moewes-Bystrom, Mr. Jungroth, and Mr. Schuneman. Also present were:
Ms. Moore , City Council Liaison; Ms. Norris, City Manager; Deputy Police Chief Fealy;
Mr. Mathisen, Mr. Rauen and Ms. Hackett from the city staff. Also attending were
several residents from the Forest Park neighborhood.
Introductions were made. Ms. Haney gave the purpose of the outdoor meetings.
Ms. Norris and Mr. Mathisen gave the city projects report including information from the
Public Works and Community Development Departments. This area will be the next
phase of the street reconstruction project.
Deputy Chief Fealy reviewed recent Police Department activity, Police Academy
information and volunteer opportunities.
Residents made the following comments on the above information:
o Traffic concerns at several intersections due to speed and no stopping at
stop signs.
o Comment about the restriping of Douglas Drive – it takes a long time to
enter Douglas Drive especially if there has been a train.
o There are bushes in front of the stop sign at Corvallis and Jersey so the
sign is hard to see.
o One resident did not want chickens to be allowed in Crystal.
o Question regarding the number of people allowed in one rental house;
staff reported there is not a number; however other ordinances may be in
violation so they would look into it.
o Question if a resident may cut a neighbor’s branches hanging into their
yard; answer was yes.
o Residents were directed to the city website for information regarding city
o Parking by the New Hope ice arena often blocks the Crystal streets;
residents were instructed to call the police
o Request for sidewalks; Mr. Mathisen informed residents of the streets that
would have sidewalks with the street project.
Residents made the following comments on park items:
o Concern about parking for the new soccer field. Mr. Mathisen outlined
the streets that would be parking on one side only with the street project.
o Question regarding the playground near the park building – if it is city or
school district; It is available for the residents – there is a sign that states
that located on the building.
Residents were thanked for their comments. The neighborhood portion of the meeting
was adjourned at 7:37pm.
The Business meeting was called to order at 7:48pm.
Ms. Hackett updated the Commission on the purchase of recreation service by
Robbinsdale. Robbinsdale City Council is meeting later this month to discuss this as
part of their budget work session.
The Commission discussed items from the neighborhood portion of the meeting. The
use of the park building and parking will be monitored when the soccer field is in use
next year.
The monthly reports were reviewed, highlighting major activities.
Ms. Moore gave the City Council report. The Council has work sessions on the budget in
Ms. Moore offered to adopt the Cavanaugh rain gardens.
Ms. Haney gave the Chairperson’s report. She and other Commission members have
received complaints about the vending machines at the pool. One child got their arm
stuck in one machine while trying to retrieve their food item while using the machine
properly and the fire dept. was called to extract the child's arm from the machine. On
busy days, the food runs out even though they are stocked daily. Ms. Merriam’s son
prefers to go to the New Hope pool because they have concessions there. Ms. Haney
requested that the City Council have this information as they consider the 2012 budget.
Ms. Moore agreed to pass this information on to the Council.
Ms. Haney gave the Crystal Frolics report. Most events ran well. There were some
issues at the carnival and park on Friday night so it was closed early. Rain forced the
activities to close early on Saturday. Boogie Wonderland had a huge crowd. The new
events were well received.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Crystal Business Association meeting held at Becker Park. It
was suggested that the Commission host another meeting at Becker in the fall.
The minutes were approved as sent.
The next meeting is September 7 at Broadway Park.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:27pm.
Gene Hackett