2010.11.03 PRC MinutesCrystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission
November 3, 2010
The Crystal Parks and Recreation Commission meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm
by Chairperson Lynn Haney. Commission members in attendance were: Ms. Merriam,
Mr. Schuneman, Ms. Sodd, Mr. Jungroth, Mr. Lehnertz and Mr. Moewes-Bystrom. Also
present were: Mr. Rauen and Ms. Hackett from the city staff. Additionally, Jan Jorgens,
Tom Van Hausen, Dan Johnson and Tom Abbott were in attendance.
Ms. Haney welcomed Mr . Moewes-Bystrom to the Commission. Introductions were
Because some of our guests need to leave early, the meeting agenda was re-arranged
to accommodate them. Ms. Jorgens reviewed the DNR grant awarded to the Crystal
Fund for Community Progress for a demonstration shoreline buffer plot at Memory Lane
Pond. Ms. Jorgens outlined the project for the Commission. Three sites are under
consideration for the demonstration plot. The Commission preferred the site on
Louisiana near the park sign. There will be no expense to the City for this project. Ms.
Haney felt their project was consistent with what the Commission is considering for park
pond buffers.
Moved by Ms. Merriam and seconded by Ms. Sodd to recommend the approval of
the DNR grant for a shoreline buffer demonstration plot. Motion carried –
The October minutes were approved as corrected.
Ms. Haney congratulated Mr. Jungroth on his 20 years of service to the Commission and
the City. She summarized the City Council work session held last month. The Council
is not for expanding the disc golf course, the dog park sign was reviewed and shoreline
buffer plantings at Twin Lake Shores were discussed. Staff is working on a report for
Twin Lake Shores.
Ms. Hackett informed the Commission of another Council work session on December 7
for the Bassett Creek Trail. Three Rivers Park District will be there to discuss trail
alignment for this project.
The Commission reviewed the final Dog park rule sign. One additional rule was added –
no more than 2 dogs per handler. Size was discussed – Mr. Rauen will check into a
24”x36” or 30” x 42” size and will contact the dog park group regarding paying for the
sign. Mr. Abbott said that the lights were fixed and the latch was quieter. Mr. Moewes-
Bystrom added that the latch needs additional work as a few dogs have been able to
escape while he has been at the dog park. Mr. Rauen will look into that. Additional
discussion concerned the “doggie bags” as patrons often take several more than they
need. Mr. Rauen will monitor the expense.
Moved by Mr. Jungroth and seconded by Ms. Sodd to recommend approval of the
dog park sign with the preferable size being 30” x 42”. Motion carried –
The Twin Lake Shores buffer planting project was discussed. Ms. Haney reviewed the
work session discussion. Ms. Merriam agreed that the ongoing maintenance was a
concern so the RFP should include training. Ms. Haney suggested that the training
should include Rick as well as the seasonal employee. Mr. Rauen outlined the parts of
the RFP to include:
• Initial installation, education
• 1st year maintenance
• 2nd year maintenance, replanting, training
• 3rd year maintenance, training
• Rain gardens (possibly)
Mr. Lehnertz said that most areas take 3 years to establish so it was important to include
that. Mr. Schuneman felt that educating the residents on the project was very important
also. He thought that it would be a good idea to show them the plans and get them on
board. A Cavanaugh Neighborhood meeting would be a good idea to talk about this as
well as the rain gardens in their neighborhood.
Moved by Mr. Moewes-Bystrom and seconded by Mr. Jungroth to recommend that
staff continue their work on developing an RFP for the Twin Lake Shores buffer
planting project and bring the information back to the Commission at the
appropriate time. Motion carried – unanimous.
The Commission discussed Yunker Park and the future of the park building there. The
park is a small neighborhood park – mostly an extension of their backyards, with no
parking lot. Comments from past neighborhood meetings were reviewed. The
Commission thought that if there was a park building that could be removed, Yunker
would be a good candidate. The unused building could be replaced with a sun shelter
similar to the skate park. Mr. Rauen will get some costs for demo of the building and
replacement with a sun shelter. Once a plan is developed, the Commission will meet
with the neighbors.
The monthly reports were reviewed, highlighting major activities.
There was not a City Council report.
Ms. Haney reported that the Crystal Frolics parade will go down Douglas Drive in 2011
due to construction.
Mr. Jungroth reported t hat the Crystal Business Association had a tour of the Police
Commission members volunteering for Winterfest include: Lynn, Tom J, Chris, Jennifer
and Lori/Ryan (for first hour).
Ms. Hackett reminded the Commission of the bike races this month.
Commission elections are held in December. Commission members up for appointment
will have their interviews in December too – prior to the meeting. Mr. Lehnertz said he
will not be at the December meeting.
Mr. Jungroth asked the Commission to consider taking action on the dirt storage at the
Bassett Creek Brunswick Avenue parking lot. He felt it was an eyesore in such a
beautiful park.
Moved by Ms. Sodd and seconded by Mr. Jungroth to recommend to the City
Council that the Public Works Department should remove the stored materials
from Bassett Creek Park so it can again be used as park land. Motion carried
– unanimous.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:53pm.
Gene Hackett