2010.05.05 PRC MinutesCrystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission
May 5, 2010
The Crystal Parks and Recreation Commission meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by
Chairperson Lynn Haney. Commission members in attendance were: Ms. Merriam, Ms.
Sodd, Mr. Schuneman, Mr. Lehnertz and Mr. Jungroth. Also present were: Mr. Selton,
Council Liaison; Mr. Rauen, Mr. Mathisen, Deputy Chief Fealy from the city staff.
Representing the Crystal Fund For Community Progress (CFCP) were: Mr. Mueller, Mr.
VanHousen and Ms. Jorgens. Mr. Lehman from Minnesota/Wisconsin Playground was
also present. Additionally, a number of residents from the Kentucky neighborhood were
in attendance
New Business
The first topic discussed under new business was the selection of a new playground for
Kentucky Park. Prior to the Commission meeting, there was an opportunity for the
residents of the Kentucky Park neighborhood to view the two playground proposals
selected as finalists by the Commission at the April 7 th meeting. Approximately 15 – 20
individuals stopped in at the open house between 6:30 – 7:00 pm to look at the proposals,
ask questions and comment on them. A few (5-8) stayed for the discussion at the
beginning of the Commission meeting. Those who stayed were given the chance to
formally comment and give their preference of the two proposals. A number stated that
they would like to see a climbing wall added to the design if possible and others
commented on the importance of separating the 2-5 and 5-12 age brackets. All present
felt the proposal from Minnesota/Wisconsin was the better of the two. After pubic
comments were given, Ms. Haney asked the Commission members what their
preferences was .
Moved by Mr. Jungroth and seconded by Ms. Soddto recommend the
Minnesota/Wisconsin playground proposal . Motion carried unanimous .
A concept plan for Memory Lane Pond prepared by CFCP was the second topic under
new business and was introduced by Mr. Mueller. Using a computer slide show
presentation, Mr. Mueller showed the Commission a number of photos of conservancy
areas from Crystal and surround cities. This established the frame work for the
discussion specific to Memory Lane Pond. Mr. VanHousen then presented to the
Commission a number of aerial photos and detailed drawings of Memory Lane Pond and
the immediate neighborhood. The final drawing was that of a concept plan for improving
the area around the pond. Improvements included the addition of a ¼ mile permeable
path, a 40’ pedestrian bridge crossing the pond near the it’s center, a fishing pier on the
north end and steps leading up to 42 nd Ave. The project would be constructed in four
phases: 1) Planning; est. cost $35-$50,000; 2) Fund raising & final design, est. cost $40-
$50,000; 3) Construction, est. cost $100 - $150,000); 4) Landscaping, est. cost $75-
$100,000. The costs for the entire project were estimated to be $350 - $500,000. Mr.
VanHousen noted that Long Range Plan discusses the importance of improving
conservancy areas and recommends that the City not ignore them. He recognized the
challenges (budget concerns, flood zones, neighborhood issues, the approval processes,
etc.) confronting the CFCP, but implied the end result would be worth the effort. Mr.
VanHousen also mentioned that grant money through the US Grants Program or the State
may be available for this project. Mr.VanHousen stated that the project would be funded
from donated money or funds acquired from grants, no City funds would be used. He
also stated that if the Park Commission did not support the project then the CFCP would
not pursue it any further. Ms. Jorgens stated that she created a web site solely for the
purpose of getting feedback from the neighborhood. She told the Commission that all
feedback received at this point has been positive. She also mentioned that she has gone
door-to-door with fliers explaining the proposal and has met with individuals from the
area on two occasions. The purpose of addressing the Commission today was simply to
bring their ideas forward and to see if the Commission supported the concept. Ms. Haney
commented that Commission would support the proposal.
Moved by Mr. Jungroth and seconded by Mr. Lehnertz to recommend the
concept of improving Memory Lane Pond and supporting the concept plan
presented by the CFCP. The CFCP proposal should be introduced to the City
Council at a future work session with the full support and backing of the Park and
Recreation Advisory Commission. Motion carried unanimous.
Deputy Chief Fealy next addressed the Commission about park safety. A copy of a
“letter to the editor” from a recent issue of the Sun Post was distributed to those present.
In letter, the writer comments on a “disturbing trend” in the amount of loitering and
profane language occurring in parks. The Deputy agreed with the author that young
people being loud and intimating to other park patrons is an ongoing issue that seems to
be growing every year. She noted, however, that recently Twin Oaks Park had a serious
problem with this and because of increased efforts from the neighborhood and her
department, the problem was eventually resolved. She encouraged the Commission to
inform park users to call 9-1-1 whenever they experience problems. The Deputy also
noted that bad language and/or behavior falls under the disorderly conduct statues and is
enforceable. She passed out a flyer from the Police Department that lists “park safety
tips”. It was suggested that this fly be posted at the parks and/or on the city’s web site.
Old Business
Mr. Jungroth updated the Commission about the discussion concerning the Bassett Creek
disc golf course at a recent Council work session. He mentioned that there didn’t seem to
be strong opposition to the expansion of the course but admitted some were confused
about the changes and there were concerns about specific holes. Mr. Schuneman
expressed his concern about some of the comments made at the work session and their
accuracy. He also wanted to know about the “agreement” referenced in the Long Range
Plan (LRP). He was told were to find the reference about the course in the LRP. Mr.
Mathisen commented that just because something is noted in the LRP doesn’t necessarily
mean it is set in stone but is subject to discussion. The LRP should be considered more as
a guideline than a blueprint. Evolving park use and staff concerns are factors that warrant
consideration as well. It was noted that the recommendation in the LRP was made before
any specific proposal was presented to the Commission. Also noted was that the
expansion of the course was to be a 6 month trial bases before becoming permanent. Mr.
Lehnertz recommended that this trial period be for one season rather than a six month
consecutive period. He also suggested that the Commission establish some criteria with
which to measure the success/failure of the course. Mr. Selton expressed his concern
about having an adequate safe zone to accommodate the inexperienced or less skilled
players. Ms. Haney recommended that the members of the Park and Recreation
Commission join those from the City Council when they “walk the course”. All
agreed that this would be a good idea. Ms. Haney requested that staff make
arrangements for this joint tour.
Ms. Haney informed the Commission about the desire of the dog park volunteers to
install some type of plaque to recognize specific organizations that donated money or
time to this initiative. She also noted that existing policies do not allow this. Others
suggested simplifying the inscription on the plaque to more generic terms and including
the date. It was recommended that these groups receive a letter from the City recognizing
and thanking them for the donations rather than including it on the plaque. Mr. Mathisen
said that this type of recognition is typically done verbally at a council meeting without
any formal letter given. Most seemed in favor of this and it was requested that Janet
Lewis be consulted about how to recognize the donations either via a letter and/or
verbally at a Council meeting. Mr. Rauen stated the park should open by this weekend
but not entirely completed. Ms. Haney asked if there were any “grand opening” plans.
Mr. Rauen didn’t know of any plans but would send an email to the volunteers and ask.
Mr. Mathisen informed the Commission that the bidding for the new holding pond at
Twin Oaks was completed and a contract approved. Costs came in lower that expected
which will allow the City to move the POW/MIA Memorial to Bass Lake Road as part of
the project. The contractor will start ASAP and the project is expected to be completed
by July 1 st . Bass Lake Road will be closed in both directions for about a two week period
with traffic being rerouted through the neighborhood.
Ms. Haney reminded all that the Crystal’s 50 th Celebration is scheduled for Saturday,
June 26. The Commission will have a table at the event but volunteers were needed to
staff it. Rather than making commitments at this time, she will send out an email in the
near future asking for volunteers. If a minimum of two volunteers did not commit then
the Park Commission spot at the event may be forfeited.
Business Items
Mr. Lehnertz moved to approve the minutes and the motion was seconded.
Because of the lateness of the time, the monthly reports were not given.
Chairperson Report
None given
Mr. Selton gave an abbreviated Council report. He mentioned that the Council approved
a variance for the VFW so they may have a farmer’s market. He also mentioned that
Council Member Grimes recently turned in his resignation. The vacancy is scheduled to
be filled by June 15 th . Lastly, the date for the election primary was changed to August 10
to conform to current State law.
Ms. Haney reminded Commission members that volunteers are needed on July 24 th for
the Crystal Frolics and will ask again at the next commission meeting. The designs for
the Frolics buttons are not yet complete but Mr. Jungroth is working on it. Todd
Richards (the coach for the Minnesota Wild) declined to be the Grand Marshal due to
scheduling conflicts. However, John & Jim Hawk will jointly fill the position. These
brothers are one of the last, if not the last, remaining twin brothers who both fought in
World War II.
The Crystal Business Association met at the Crystal Care Center but Mr. Jungroth was
not able to attend so there was no report to give.
Other Business
The next regular meeting is scheduled for June 2 nd , at 7 pm. This will be held at North
Lions Park.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm
Rick Rauen