2010.04.07 PRC Minutes
Crystal Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission
April 7, 2010
The Crystal Parks and Recreation Commission meeting was called to order at
7:04 p.m. by Chairperson Lynn Haney. Commission members in attendance
were:, Ms. Sodd, Ms. Kalvik, Mr. Schuneman, Mr. Lehnertz and Mr. Jungroth.
Also present were, Mr. Selton, Council Liaison; Mr. Rauen and Ms. Hackett from
the city staff and Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. Solberg representing Disc Golf.
The Minutes were approved as sent.
The monthly reports were given, highlighting major activities.
Ms. Haney gave the Chairperson report. There was no follow-up from the march
meeting. Ms. Haney attended the Memory Lane Friends Fond of the Pond group
meeting. The residents discussed ideas for the pond area. Ms. Haney reminded
them to bring their plans to the Commission when they are finalized. Mr. Rauen
added that he has talked with a couple of the members and they have some
good ideas. Their next meeting is April 10.
The Commission scheduled their park Pride Clean-up for Wednesday May 5 at
6pm at the CCC.
The Commission judged the Crystal Frolics button contest. Ms. Haney will notify
the winner. Mr. Jungroth will work on the buttons.
The Commission was informed of the city’s 50 th celebration. They will have a
display table at the event.
Ms. Hackett reviewed the Disc Golf memo. The turn back property is not
available for the course so the Commission should discuss where the expansion
could take place. Mr. Hutchinson showed alternatives to the Commission so that
this could be attained. The woods are still off limits so Mr. Hutchinson suggested
adding a hole over by the picnic area and then instead of reconfiguring the holes
in the west field, they would remain the same there. This would give the course
18 holes. The Commission still would prefer to expand the course to 18 holes.
Mr. Schuneman said that while at the park on a Saturday, discs were going off
course. He had a safety concern with the amount of people using the park. Mr.
Jungroth and Ms. Haney said that the course could be changed if there are
problems and complaints. The next step is to schedule a work session with the
city council. Ms. Hackett will check into their schedule. Mr. Hutchinson will work
on drawing the new course layout for the work session.
The Dog Park rule sign was discussed. Suggestions were made to revise the
Moved by Mr. Lehnertz and seconded by Mr. Jungroth
to approve the revised wording of the dog park rule sign.
Motion carried – Unanimous.
Mr. Rauen will have the sign made.
Arbor Day will be held Saturday April 17 at Becker Park from 9:30 – 11am. The
Commission judged the poster contest. Winners will be notified and invited to
the event.
The Shingle Creek Clean-up is scheduled for Saturday April 24 from 10:30am –
Noon at Cavanagh Park.
Mr. Rauen reviewed the Kentucky playground submittals from the various
vendors. The Commission reviewed the proposals and decided on two that
would be presented at the neighborhood meeting (to be scheduled).
City Council meetings were reviewed.
Ms. Haney gave the Crystal Frolics report. Cooper Wrestling will have a food
booth. The committee is looking at reconfiguring the way the wristbands and
buttons are sold so it will be easier to get into the carnival. They are working on
the Grand Marshall for the parade.
Mr. Jungroth gave the Crystal Business report. They held a networking coffee
The next meeting is Wednesday May 5 at 7pm at the CCC. Park Pride clean-up
is at 6pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:04pm.
Gene Hackett