2014.01.13 PC Meeting MinutesApproved Minutes of the January 13, 2014 Planning Commission Meeting
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Monday, January 13, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
Council Chambers, Crystal City Hall
The regular meeting of the Crystal Planning Commission convened at 7 p.m. with the
following members present:
X Commissioner (Ward 1)
Sears [Vice Chair]
X Commissioner (Ward 2)
X Commissioner (Ward 4)
X Commissioner (Ward 1)
X Commissioner (Ward 3)
VonRueden [Chair]
X Commissioner (Ward 4)
X Commissioner (Ward 2)
Approved Minutes of the January 13, 2014 Planning Commission Meeting
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Commissioner Strand recommended approval of the 2014 calendar,
Commissioner Erickson seconded the motion.
Passed unanimously.
Moved by Sears and seconded by Johnson to approve the minutes of the December 9,
2013 regular meeting with no exceptions.
Motion carried.
1. Consider Application 2013-16(b) for setback variances to allow expansion of an
existing detached garage at 4952 Quail Avenue North (continued from December
9, 2013 meeting).
Staff presented the following:
Mr. Sutter explained that the property owner was unable to be at the meeting
because he was out of town on business, but he was provided with a copy of the
staff report and he has no concerns with the alternate variance.
This property is one of eight where the front faces the lake and the former service
road became Quail. Their current garage is right on the west lot line and appears
to be one foot from side lot line. There is an existing garage on the lot to the
north that was built in the 1980’s basically on the lot line on Quail Avenue, it’s
unknown why the city council approved a variance to allow the garage to be built
so close to Quail, and because it was a new structure, there are no findings.
Commissioner Kolb questioned whether the neighbor’s garage at 4958 Quail was
actually 3 feet from the lot line. Mr. Sutter said that the 4958 garage is 3 feet
from the side lot line and the eave is right on the lot line on Quail. Mr. Sutter said
because the neighbor’s garage is set back the standard 3 feet from the side lot
line, it makes the requested 1 foot setback more plausible because it would still
leave 4 feet between the two structures. While that is less than the standard 6
feet for accessory buildings, it makes it more palatable in regards to fire safety
and other things.
The property owner has agreed with the need to keep the structure at least 3 feet
from Quail. While city staff are still recommending denial of the original variance
request to eliminate both of these setbacks, they recommend approval of the
alternate variance which would require a new garage meet the setback along
Quail but would allow it within one foot of the side lot line to the north.
Commissioner Sears asked if the sewer and water were very old or had they
been upgraded. Mr. Sutter said that the sewer was built in the mid-to-late 50’s,
and he presumed the sewer line runs in the Quail right-of-way. Commissioner
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Sears thought the 3 foot setback would be to the homeowner’s benefit if there
were ever a sewer upgrade. Mr. Sutter said he would pull the sewer tie card to
determine where the sewer stub ends, which is probably under the driveway.
The tie card will indicate where the stub is placed in relation to existing buildings
and when it was installed. When streets are reconstructed, property owners
have the option to have that stub replaced so he will determine if the prior owner
opted to upgrade the sewer stub.
The following were heard:
No one spoke before the commission.
Planning Commission discussion:
Commissioner Heigel questioned what would happen if the neighbor at 4958
Quail decided they also wanted to build a garage one foot off the property line,
which would only leave two feet between the two structures. Mr. Sutter said that
they could only do that if a variance was also granted to that neighbor.
Commissioner Heigel wondered if there would be any issues with the city
granting a variance to one resident and not another. He feels it could cause a
problem down the line, especially on this block. Mr. Sutter stated that some
thought was given to this, the neighbor’s existing garage is mid-80’s and is a two-
car stucco garage so its life span is probably greater. However, if they wanted to
do something similar, the city would need to determine if it would be to the public
benefit to have the garage further from the public road and closer to the side lot
line than would otherwise be permitted.
Commissioner Strand questioned the main purpose of the 3 foot setback. Mr.
Sutter said that it would make it harder for fire to jump and makes maintenance
easier. Commissioner VonRueden said also that water running off the roof
could cause water damage if the buildings are closer together and thought the
owners would want to keep that separation. Mr. Sutter said that approval of the
variance could be based on a condition that the garage is built with the gable
running north and south so the water doesn’t run off between the two structures.
Commissioner Johnson said that variances almost always deal with existing
structures but this is a variance for something that hasn’t even been built yet. He
thought the commissioners should consider that the case for a variance for a new
structure should be pretty compelling and questioned whether this was
compelling enough.
Commissioner Kolb questioned what would happen if they ended up denying the
initial variance and also the alternate variance what would happen to the
homeowner’s request. Mr. Sutter said commissioners could vote on the alternate
variance first and then vote on the original request. Then if the alternate variance
fails, commissioners could continue the original variance for more discussion at
the February meeting.
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Commissioner VonRueden asked where his curb cut was located and questioned
whether the property owner would have enough room to maneuver two vehicles
after a new garage was built if two additional feet were taken away. Mr. Sutter
said it’s a 50 foot lot; if the garage is 22 feet deep, which is the modern minimum,
they would still have 27 feet remaining with the one foot setback. He also
mentioned the aisle width in a standard parking lot is 24 feet, so even with the 3
foot setback, that will still leave the property owner with 25 feet, and there are
narrower lots in the city with garages and there is nothing about the width of this
lot that makes it unique.
Mr. Sutter stated that what does make this lot unique is the tradeoff that the new
garage would be built 3 feet off of Quail even if it’s allowed to be within one foot
of the side lot line, so it’s a benefit to the public interest. The downside to
denying the variance could be that the property owner decides to repair the
existing garage and it may stay there longer.
Commissioner Kolb feels that the handful of lots in this area is compelling
enough because they are so unique and moving the garage back from the street
is a compelling case. Commissioner VonRueden agreed that it’s crowded in that
area and it would be a plus if the city can get the garage moved 3 feet off the lot
line along Quail.
Commissioner Johnson said that he understood trying to accommodate the
homeowner when possible, although feels the city needs to take into account
whether they want to establish a precedent of pre-approving variances.
Commissioner Strand feels that this is a good alternative for the homeowner.
Commissioner Richter asked that if the variance is passed, is the commission
saying that the owner can build within a foot of the lot line but they might not. Mr.
Sutter said that is correct, this is a minimum and no part of the garage can be
within one foot of the lot line but the setback could be greater.
Mr. Sutter also stated that the neighbor’s lot at 4958 Quail to the north is two feet
wider than the subject property, and that if there is a concern about setting a
precedent, that could be used as a basis for denial of a future variance at 4958
because they have already demonstrated that the garage works on the property.
He feels that the different widths of the lots could be the rationale for approving
one variance and denying the other.
Moved by Kolb and seconded by Strand to recommend denial of Application
2013-16(b) for setback variances to allow expansion of an existing detached
garage at 4952 Quail Avenue North.
Motion carried.
Moved by Kolb and seconded by Richter to recommend approval of an alternate
setback variance, as suggested by the property owner on December 9, 2013 and
subsequently recommended by staff, to reduce the north side setback in the rear
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yard from 3 feet to 1 foot for future construction of a new detached garage at
4952 Quail Avenue North with the condition that the garage is built with the gable
roof running north and south and finding that the fact that this lot is two feet
narrower justifies this variance, where it wouldn’t justify it for the lot to the north.
Motion carried.
1. City Council actions on December 17, 2013 on Planning Commission items:
▪ Approved Application 2013-15, a CUP and setback variance for a child care
center at 5510 West Broadway
▪ Approved Application 2013-16(a), a setback variance for a house at 4952
2. Staff preview of likely agenda items for Monday, February 10, 2014 meeting
Mr. Sutter said that currently no applications have been received; the deadline for
submittal is Friday. There was no objection among the Commissioners to
cancelling the February meeting if no applications are received.
3. Quarterly Development Status Report
Mr. Sutter stated that since the report had been printed, 2 lot options and a lot
purchase proposal have been received.
Moved by Sears and seconded by Erickson to adjourn.
Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:38 p.m.