2009.02.09 PC Meeting MinutesPage 1 of 2 J:\PLANNING\Planning Commission\2010 and earlier\2009\02.09\minutes.doc CRYSTAL PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 9, 2009 A. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Crystal Planning Commission convened at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: X Commissioner (Ward 1) Sears X Commissioner (Ward 2) Whitenack [Chair] X Commissioner (Ward 4) Fiedler X Commissioner (Ward 1) Davis X Commissioner (Ward 3) VonRueden [Vice Chair] X Commissioner (Ward 4) Scheibe X Commissioner (Ward 2) Nystrom X Commissioner (Ward 3) Buck X Commissioner (At-Large) Strand Also present were city staff members John Sutter, Jason Zimmermann and Corinne Elfelt. B. ANNUAL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING 1. Election of Officers • Chairperson- As no one volunteered for the position, Commissioner Nystrom nominated Commissioner VonRueden, seconded by Davis. • Vice-Chairperson – Commissioner Nystrom asked Commissioner Davis if he would take the nomination. Commissioner Davis declined. Commissioner Davis nominated Commissioner Strand, seconded by Commissioner Whitenack. • Secretary – Commissioner Nystrom nominated Commissioner Buck, seconded by Commissioner Whitenack. C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Commissioner Whitenack and seconded by Commissioner Nystrom to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2009 regular meeting as submitted. Motion carried. D. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Consider Application 2009-01 for a variance from the west setback from 30 feet to 11 feet at 3425 Florida Avenue North. Jason Zimmermann presented the staff report. Commissioner Whitenack asked if the wood shed, if it is still there, encroaches on the set back. Mr. Zimmermann reviewed the aerial photo and agreed that it does appear to encroach. John Sutter stated that with or without the variance the shed should be removed from the platted easement regardless of how long it has been there. This matter can be handled through city code enforcement. Page 2 of 2 J:\PLANNING\Planning Commission\2010 and earlier\2009\02.09\minutes.doc Commissioner VonRueden opened the Public Hearing. As no one came forward, the Public Hearing was closed. Mr. Zimmermann indicated that one letter from a neighbor had been received in favor of the variance. Commissioner Fiedler asked if there were any telephone calls or any other response to the notice. Mr. Zimmermann indicated that, other than letter (Exhibit F), no response was received. Moved by Commissioner Whitenack and seconded by Commissioner Buck to recommend to the City Council to approve Application 2009-01 for a variance to reduce the west setback from 30 feet to 11 feet at 3425 Florida Avenue North with the findings of fact as outlined in section B of the staff report. Motion carried. E. OLD BUSINESS Commissioner VonRueden asked if any further information had been heard regarding the cell tower. Mr. Sutter stated that the issue is still in a holding pattern until information in received from T-Mobile and the other providers. Once received, this information will be provided to the council for a work session. If the council decided to proceed, staff will suggest a joint work session with the Planning Commission. F. NEW BUSINESS – None discussed. G. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. City Council actions on recent Planning Commission items. Information was provided with the Planning Commission packet 2. Staff preview of likely agenda items for the March 9, 2009 meeting. 3. 4947 W. Broadway – Mr. Sutter indicated that the property is now owned by Doug Stanton Ministries International. Since the use is similar to the previous use, it did not require the Planning Commission’s review. DSMI has indicated the building will be used for offices, conferences, and as a training center with meeting rooms. H. OPEN FORUM – None discussed. I. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Commissioner Nystrom and seconded by Commissioner Davis to adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m.