1995 City Council MinutesJanuary 3, 1995 page 1302 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on January 3, 1995, at 7:00 P.M., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. Darlene George, City Clerk, administered the oath of office to newly elected officials Pete Meintsma, Mayor; Dave Anderson, Section I Councilmember; Tom Krueger, Ward 3 Councilmember and Garry Grimes, Ward 4 Councilmember. The Secretary of the Council called the roll and the following were present: Krueger, Anderson, Joselyn, Meintsma, Grimes, Langsdorf (arrived at 7:05 p.m.). Absent: Herbes. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Darlene George, City Clerk; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Robbie Hiltz, Animal Warden. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The City Council considered the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of December 20, 1994. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of December 20, 1994. Motion Carried. The City Council considered the following items on the Consent Agenda: 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Designation of Crystal/Robbinsdale Sun Post and Star Tribune as the official newspapers for the City of Crystal for the year 1995. 4. Appointment of Jerry Dulgar, City Manager, as the Hennepin Recycling Group Board Member for the City of Crystal for 1995. 5. Designation of the Norwest Crystal Bank as the official depository for the City of Crystal for the year 1995. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. Councilmember Langsdorf arrived. January 3, 1995 page 1303 The City Council considered the following items on the Regular Agenda. 1. The City Council continued consideration of a private kennel license for Michael and Beverly Farley, 6701 - 34th Avenue North. Those appearing and heard were: Mike Farley, applicant; Steve Westerberg, 6700 - 34th Avenue North; Lester Kelly, 6707 - 34th Avenue North; Leroy Smithrud, 3317 Hampshire Avenue North; Glen Weborg, 3328 Hampshire Avenue North. A. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to deny a private kennel license for Michael and Beverly Farley, 6701 - 34th Avenue North. By roll call and voting aye: Anderson; voting no: Grimes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma; absent, not voting: Herbes. Motion Failed. B. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Mayor Meintsma 2. The City Council considered the second reading of an ordinance to rezone property at 5272 West Broadway from 3-4 (Community Commercial) to B-3 (Auto -Oriented Commercial). Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95-1 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING: CHANGING THE USE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN LANDS and further, that this be the second and final reading. Motion Carried. 3. The City Council considered the selection of Mayor Pro Tem for the year 1995. 4. The City Council considered the appointment of a Council liaison to the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission for the year 1995. to approve a private kennel license for Michael and Beverly Farley, 6701 - 34th Avenue North, and direct staff to prepare a compliance report to the City Council every 3 months. By roll call and voting aye: Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Grimes; voting no: Anderson; absent, not voting: Herbes. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered the second reading of an ordinance to rezone property at 5272 West Broadway from 3-4 (Community Commercial) to B-3 (Auto -Oriented Commercial). Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95-1 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING: CHANGING THE USE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN LANDS and further, that this be the second and final reading. Motion Carried. 3. The City Council considered the selection of Mayor Pro Tem for the year 1995. 4. The City Council considered the appointment of a Council liaison to the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission for the year 1995. January 3, 1995 page 1304 5. The City Council considered the appointment of a Council liaison to the Environmental Commission for the year 1995. 6. The City Council considered the appointment of a Council liaison to the Human Rights Commission for the year 1995. 7. The City Council considered the appointment of a Council liaison to the Financial Advisory Commission for the year 1995. 8. The City Council considered the appointment of a Council liaison to the Economic Development Advisory Commission for the year 1995. 9. The City Council considered the appointment of a representative and an alternate to the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities for the year 1995. 10. The City Council considered the appointment of a representative to the Joint New Hope/Golden Valley/Crystal Water Commission for the year 1995. 11. The City Council considered the appointment of representatives to the Northwest Suburbs Cable Communications Commission for the year 1995. 12. The City Council considered the designation of an AMM legislative contact person and an alternate for 1995. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve appointments for 1995 in items 3-12 on the agenda appointing the same people who served in 1994, with the exception of the appointment of David Anderson as Council Liaison to the Human Rights Commission in lieu of Betty Herbes; appointments as follows: -Mayor Pro Tem, Pauline Langsdorf. -Council liaison to Park & Recreation Advisory Commission, Councilmember Krueger. -Council liaison to Environmental Commission, Councilmember Langsdorf. -Council liaison to Human Rights Commission, Councilmember Anderson. -Council liaison to Financial Advisory Commission, Mayor Meintsma. -Council liaison to Economic Development Advisory Commission, Councilmember Grimes. -Representative and alternate to the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities - Mayor Meintsma as representative and City Manager Dulgar as alternate. -Representative to the Joint New Hope/Golden Valley/Crystal Water Commission - City Manager Dulgar. -Representatives to the Northwest Suburbs Cable Communications Commission - Jerry Dulgar and John T. Irving. January 3, 1995 page 1305 -Designation of an AMM legislative contact person and an alternate - Mayor Meintsma, representative; City Manager Dulgar, alternate. Motion Carried. 13. The City Council considered a recommendation to the Northwest Hennepin Human Services Council to reappoint Marty Gates, 5108 - 48th Avenue North, to the Northwest Hennepin Human Services Council Advisory Board for a two year term expiring December 31, 1996. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to recommend the reappointment of Marty Gates, 5108 - 48th Avenue North, to the Northwest Hennepin Human Services Council Advisory Board for a two year term expiring December 31, 1996. Motion Carried. 14. The City Council considered legal fees regarding recodification of the Crystal City Code. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to approve a request from Dave Kennedy of Holmes & Graven, Chartered, for payment of legal fees relating to recodification of the Crystal City Code in the amount of $5,553.39. Motion Carried. 15. The City Council discussed the role of the Economic Development Authority Advisory Commission. Consensus of the Council was to set a work session of the EDA, EDA Advisory Commission and Planning Commission on February 14, 1995, if satisfactory with the EDA Advisory Commission, to discuss the role of the EDA Advisory Commission. 16. The City Council discussed organized collection in the City of Crystal. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to direct staff to prepare proper paperwork to invoke organized collection in the City of Crystal. Motion Carried. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Motion Carried. January 3, 1995 page 1306 Ma o ATTEST: City Clerk 1 January 17, 1995 1307 page 1307 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on January 17, 1995, at 7:00 P.M., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The Secretary of the Council called the roll and the following were present: Herbes, Krueger, Anderson, Joselyn, Meintsma, Grimes, Langsdorf. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Steve Peaslee, Planner; Darlene George, City Clerk; Jim Otto, Finance Director. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Mayor recognized a $70,000 donation to the Crystal Fire Department from the Crystal Fire Relief Association. The Mayor recognized a $30 donation to the Crystal Fire Department from Minnegasco. The City Council considered the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of January 3, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of January 3, 1995. Motion Carried. The City Council considered the following items on the Consent Agenda: 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Approval to use donated funds to make chassis upgrades and purchase emergency warning equipment and other miscellaneous equipment for new rescue vehicles for the Crystal Fire Department. 4. Set 7:00 p.m. on April 18, 1995 as the date and time for the 1995 Local Board of Review. S. Authorize execution of agreement with Hennepin County for reimbursement for health services, and further, that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to sign such agreement. January 17, 1995 1308 page 1308 Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. The City Council considered the following items on the Regular Agenda. 1. The City Council considered the first reading of an ordinance regarding site plan review. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, CHAPTER V, BY ADDING A SECTION: RENUMBERING SECTION 520 and further, that the second and final reading be held on February 7, 1995. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered the first reading of an ordinance regarding pawn shop operations. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PAWN SHOPS: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SECTIONS 515 - APPENDIX I - ZONING AND 1175 and further, that the second and final reading be held on February 7, 1995. Discussion followed. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to amend the ordinance by eliminating Item ##6 in Section 1 which refers to hours of operation. Motion Carried Unanimously. Voting on the ordinance as amended: Aye: Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes. Motion Carried. January 17, 1995 page 1309 1309 3, The City Council considered private activity tax exempt financing guidelines and appropriate amendment to the fee schedule for issuance of revenue bonds. A. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-1 RESOLUTION APPROVING PRIVATE ACTIVITY TAX EXEMPT FINANCING GUIDELINES By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. B. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-2 RESOLUTION RELATING TO FEES: REVENUE BONDS: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE APPENDIX IV By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 4. The City Council considered a resolution Ordering in a Feasibility Study for a Joint Project with Golden Valley on a Noble Avenue Street Project. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-3 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR NOBLE AVENUE STREET REHABILITATION By roll call and voting aye: Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 5. The City Council discussed future work session dates. By general consent the following dates and times were set: January 24, 1995, 7 p.m.; February 27, 1995, 8 p.m.; March - back to 4th Thursday schedule, 7 p.m. January 17, 1995 1310 page 1310 6. The City Council discussed the elimination of cigarette machines in the City of Crystal. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m. ATTEST: &,,, Lo,�,, City Clerk January 24, 1995 1311 page 1311 Pursuant to due call and notice given in the matter prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, the Work Session of the Crystal City Council was held on January 24, 1995, at 7:00 P.M., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following were present: Herbes, Krueger, Anderson, Joselyn, Meintsma, Grimes. Absent: Langsdorf. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Laura Kushner, Assistant Manager; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Tom Mathisen, Public Works Director. 1. The City Council discussed Administrative Offense Ordinance/Code Enforcement. 2. The City Council discussed Rabies Vaccination Clinic. 3. The City Council discussed Newsletter Advertising. 4. The City Council discussed final Pay Equity Report. S. The City Council discussed the 36th Avenue drainage from New Hope. 6. Discussion of street rehabilitation on St. Raphael Drive. Moved by Mayor Meintsma and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adjourn the Work Session. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. ATTEST: Assis ant anager 11 February 7, 1995 1312 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on February 7, 1995, at 7:00 P.M., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The Secretary of the Council called the roll and the following were present: Herbes, Krueger, Anderson, Meintsma, Grimes, Langsdorf. Absent was: Joselyn. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Laura Kushner, Assistant Manager; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Darlene George, City Clerk; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Tom Mathisen, Public Works Director; Stephen Holm, DARE Officer. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The City Council considered the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of January 17, 1995 and the minutes of the Work Session of January 24, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of January 17, 1995 and the minutes of the Work Session of January 24, 1995 with the addition to the January 24th minutes of an Item #6 to indicate discussion relating to street rehabilitation on St. Raphael Drive. Motion Carried. The City Council considered the following items on the Consent Agenda: 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Approval of an Application for Authorization for Exemption from Lawful Gambling License from Northwest Metro Ducks Unlimited, Chapter 34, to hold a raffle on March 29, 1995, at Charles Knaeble VFW Post #494, 5222 - 56th Avenue North. 4. Approval of the appointment of Charles Tostenson, Park Superintendent, as the Assistant Weed Inspector for the City of Crystal for 1995. February 7, 1995 1313 5. Acceptance of the resignation of John Froom from the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission effective 12-31-94. 6. Acceptance of the resignation of Daniel Velner from the Human Rights Commission effective February 2, 1995. 7. Acceptance of the resignation of Bruce Bourdon from the Financial Advisory Commission. 8. Set March 7, 1995 as the date for a public hearing at which time the City Council will consider allocation of CDBG Funds. 9. Approval to use charitable gambling funds for the purchase of heart defibrillator test units and battery chargers. Councilmember Herbes requested the removal of Item 42 for discussion. This item is moved to the end of the Regular Agenda. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve Item 1 and Items 3 through 9 on the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. The City Council considered the following items on the Regular Agenda. 1. The City Council considered an application for a massage license at The Sun Shoppe, 313 Willow Bend. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to continue discussion of a massage license at 313 Willow Bend until the ordinance regulating massage has been clarified. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered the application for reappointment to the Employee Review Board as an Alternate Member from Frank Quisenberry, 5609 Wilshire Blvd., for a term expiring December 31, 1997. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to reappoint Frank Quisenberry, 5609 Wilshire Blvd., to the Employee Review Board as an Alternate Member for a term expiring December 31, 1997. Motion Carried. February 7, 1995 1314 3. The City Council considered the applications for reappointment to the Environmental Advisory Commission from Beth Jarvis, 4513 Xenia Avenue North; Lerry Teslow, 6501 Markwood Drive; and David Luebke, 3206 Florida Avenue North, for terms expiring December 31, 1997. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to reappoint Beth Jarvis, 4513 Xenia Avenue North; Lerry Teslow, 6501 Markwood Drive; and David Luebke, 3206 Florida Avenue North, to the Environmental Commission for terms expiring December 31, 1997. Motion Carried. 4. The City Council considered the applications for appointment to the Financial Advisory Commission from Damon Kenton, 3159 Louisiana Avenue North, and Anthony Eric Kamp, 5570 Xenia Avenue North, for an unexpired term expiring December 31, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Mayor Meintsma to appoint Damon Kenton, 3159 Louisiana Avenue North, to the Financial Advisory Commission for an unexpired term expiring December 31, 1995. Motion Carried. 5. The City Council considered the applications for appointment to the Human Rights Commission from Diane Bolter, 3225 Yates Avenue North; Robert Senden, 4601 Douglas Drive; and Kenneth Way, 3117 Virginia Avenue North, for one unexpired term expiring December 31, 1996 and one term expiring December 31, 1997; and the applications for reappointment from Emeric Pratt, 3540 Jersey Avenue North, and Kay Kramer, 7720 - 36th Avenue North -#207, for terms expiring December 31, 1997. A. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to appoint Robert Senden, 4601 Douglas Drive, to the Human Rights Commission for an unexpired term expiring December 31, 1997. Motion Carried. B. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to reappoint Emeric Pratt, 3540 Jersey Avenue North, and Kay Kramer, 7720 - 36th Avenue North -#207, to the Human Rights Commission for terms expiring December 31, 1997. February 7, 1995 1315 Motion Carried. 6. The City Council considered the application for appointment to the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission from Roger Betlach, 5325 Georgia Avenue North, for a term expiring December 31, 1997; and applications for appointment from Michael Culhane, 5261 Kentucky Avenue North; and Elmer Carlson, 5054 Quail Avenue North, for an unexpired term expiring December 31, 1995; and the applications for reappointment from Tom Jungroth, 5536 Xenia Avenue North; Mary Moucha, 2957 Hampshire Avenue North; and Ann Hoffineister, 5141 - 34th Place North, for terms expiring December 31, 1997. A. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Mayor Meintsma to appoint Roger Betlach, 5325 Georgia Avenue North, to the "at large" vacancy on the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission for a term expiring December 31, 1997, and Michael Culhane, 5261 Kentucky Avenue North, to the Ward 3 vacancy for an unexpired term expiring December 31, 1995. By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson; abstaining: Grimes, Herbes; absent, not voting: Joselyn. Motion Carried. B. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to reappoint Tom Jungroth, 5536 Xenia Avenue North; Mary Moucha, 2957 Hampshire Avenue North, and Ann Hoffineister, 5141 - 34th Place North, to the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission for terms expiring December 31, 1997. Motion Carried. 7. The City Council considered the application for appointment to the Planning Commission from Thomas P. Madden, 5222 - 49th Avenue North, for an unexpired term expiring December 31, 1995; and the applications for reappointment from Jane Elsen, 5419 Maryland Avenue North; Paulette Magnuson, 3159 Jersey Avenue North; and JoAnn Hagen Maloney, 3731 Jersey Avenue North, for terms expiring December 31, 1997. A. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to appoint Thomas P. Madden, 5222 - 49th Avenue North, to the Planning Commission for an unexpired term expiring December 31, 1995. Motion Carried. February 7, 1995 1316 B. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to reappointment Jane Elsen, 5419 Maryland Avenue North; Paulette Magnuson, 3159 Jersey Avenue North; and JoAnn Hagen Maloney, 3731 Jersey Avenue North, to the Planning Commission for terms expiring December 31, 1997. Motion Carried. 8. The City Council considered the applications for reappointment to the Economic Development Authority Advisory Commission from Jane Elsen, 5419 Maryland Avenue North; Paulette Magnuson, 3159 Jersey Avenue North; Daniel Hansen, 6327 - 36th Avenue North; Mark Hoffmann, 3307 Zane Avenue North; Phillip Eder, 5630 Lakeland Avenue North; and Jo -Ann Schroeder, 6907 - 46th Place North, for terms expiring December 31, 1997. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to reappoint Jane Elsen, 5419 Maryland Avenue North; Paulette Magnuson, 3159 Jersey Avenue North; Daniel Hansen, 6327 - 36th Avenue North; Mark Hoffmann, 3307 Zane Avenue North; Phillip Eder, 5630 Lakeland Avenue North; and Jo -Ann Schroeder, 6907 - 46th Place North, to the Economic Development Authority Advisory Commission for terms expiring December 31, 1997. Motion Carried. 9. The City Council considered Law Enforcement Labor Services (LELS) Contract #56. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to approve the 1995 - 1996 proposed contract with Law Enforcement Labor Services (LELS) Local #56, and further, that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the City. Motion Carried. 10. The City Council considered Law Enforcement Labor Services (LELS) Contract #44. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve the 1995 - 1996 proposed contract with Law Enforcement Labor Services (LELS) Local #44, and further, that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the City. February 7, 1995 1317 Motion Carried. 11. The City Council considered a resolution supporting proposed pension consolidation legislation. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-4 RESOLUTION RELATING TO A JOINT NEW HOPE/CRYSTAL VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT: APPROVING THE FORM OF PROPOSED LEGISLATION By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Krueger; absent, not voting: Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 12. The City Council considered the second reading of an ordinance relating to site plan reviews. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95-2 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, CHAPTER V, BY ADDING A SECTION: RENUMBERING SECTION 520 and further, that this be the second and final reading. Motion Carried. 13. The City Council considered a contract proposal for supplemental field investigation at the City of Crystal maintenance complex in the amount of $7,602.00 as submitted from Braun Intertec. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve a contract with Braun Intertec in the amount of $7,602.00 for supplemental field investigation at the City of Crystal maintenance complex. Motion Carried. February 7, 1995 1318 14. The City Council considered an amendment to the Development Agreement with Super Valu regarding redevelopment of the Anthony Shopping Center/Mielke Field area, 36th Avenue and Highway 100. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve the amendment to the contract with Super Valu regarding redevelopment of the Anthony Shopping Center/Mielke Field area, 36th Avenue and Highway 100, in the City of Crystal. Motion Carried. 15. The City Council considered a resolution authorizing a public hearing in connection with a financing by the City of Edina, Minnesota, on behalf of Volunteers of America Care Facilities. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-5 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING IN CONNECTION WITH A FINANCING BY THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA ON BEHALF OF VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA CARE FACILITIES By roll call and voting aye: Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Krueger, Langsdorf; absent, not voting: Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 16. The City Council discussed Item #2 on the Consent Agenda relating to disbursements over $5,000.00. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve Item #2 on the Consent Agenda, namely, the list of disbursements over $5,000.00. Motion Carried. Ed Thonander and Liz Reid of the Crystal Frolics Committee presented a check in the amount of $2,000.00 to the City of Crystal for the DARE Program. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adjourn the meeting. 1-7 lu February 7, 1995 1319 Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. NMao — ATTEST: R1. /. �,O City Clerk February 21, 1995 1320 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on February 21, 1995, at 7:00 P.M., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The Secretary of the Council called the roll and the following were present: Herbes, Krueger, Joselyn, Meintsma, Grimes, Langsdorf, Anderson. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Steve Peaslee, Planner; Darlene George, City Clerk; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Gene Hackett, Recreation Director. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Mayor proclaimed March 5-12, 1995 as Volunteers of America Week in the City of Crystal. The Mayor acknowledged a donation in the amount of $500 from the Rotary Club of Crystal, New Hope, and Robbinsdale for the Crystal Police DARE Program. The City Council considered the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of February 7, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of February 7, 1995. Motion Carried. The City Council considered the following items on the Consent Agenda: 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. The City Council considered the following during Open Forum. February 21, 1995 1321 1. Daniel Hansen, 6327 - 36th Avenue North, appeared to voice concerns of the grade and slope on the south side of 36th Avenue North. The City Council considered the following items on the Regular Agenda. 1. The City Council considered the application for appointment to the Financial Advisory Commission of Myron L. Kasch, 7600 - 30th Avenue North, for an unexpired term expiring December 31, 1995. The applicant did not appear. Item will be placed on the March 7, 1995 Council Agenda for consideration. 2. The City Council continued consideration of the applications for appointment to the Human Rights Commission from Diane Bolter, 3225 Yates Avenue North, and Kenneth Way, 3117 Virginia Avenue North, for an unexpired term expiring December 31, 1996. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to appoint Kenneth Way, 3117 Virginia Avenue North, to the Human Rights Commission for an unexpired term expiring December 31, 1996. Motion Carried. 3. The City Council considered a sign variance to CUB Foods for signage at 5301 - 36th Avenue North to permit 4 signs of approximately 806 sq. ft., a variance of approximately 556 sq. ft. from the maximum permitted by Section 405.19, Subd. 4 a), subject to the stipulation that no signs be placed on the south and east faces of the building. Craig Mevissen of Cub Foods appeared and was heard. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve as recommended by and based on the findings of fact of the Planning Commission granting a sign variance of approximately 556 sq. ft. to allow 4 signs of approximately 806 sq. ft., which will exceed the sign ordinance maximum of 250 sq. ft. at CUB Foods, 5301 - 36th Avenue North, subject to the stipulation that no signs be placed on the south and east faces of the building. February 21, 1995 1322 By roll call and voting aye: Krueger; Langsdorf; Meintsma; Grimes; Herbes; voting no: Anderson; Joselyn. Motion Carried. 4. The City Council considered the first reading of an ordinance regarding flood plain amendments. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING: FLOOD PROTECTION; AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE (APPENDIX I -ZONING) SUBSECTION 515.47, SUBDIVISIONS 1, 5, 9, AND 13 AND ADDING A SUBDIVISION and further, that the second and final reading be held on March 7, 1995. Motion Carried. 5. The City Council considered a resolution approving the purchase of a vibratory plate compactor for the Street Department. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-6 RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR PURCHASE OF VIBRATORY PLATE COMPACTOR By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 6. The City Council considered the second reading of an ordinance regarding pawn shop operations. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following ordinance: February 21, 1995 1323 ORDINANCE NO. 95-3 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PAWN SHOPS: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SECTIONS 515 -APPENDIX I -ZONING AND 1175 and further, that this be the second and final reading. Motion Carried. 7. The City Council considered the first reading of an Ordinance Relating to Parks: Closing Hours: Amending Crystal City Code, Subsection 815.05 and Adding a Section to Section 815. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PARKS: CLOSING HOURS: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SUBSECTION 815.05 AND ADDING A SECTION TO SECTION 815 and further, that the second and final reading be held on March 7, 1995. Motion Carried. 8. The City Council considered the 1995 swimming pool rates. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve the joint ticket program with the City of New Hope and 1995 swimming pool fees as recommended by the Recreation Director in a memo dated November 22, 1994. Motion Carried. 9. The City Council discussed City election legislation. Moved by Councilmember Meintsma and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn that a letter be sent to the Governor and Legislative Representatives in opposition to the pending legislation regarding biennial elections in either odd or even years. By roll call and voting aye: Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Joselyn; voting no: Langsdorf, Herbes, Krueger. Motion Carried. February 21, 1995 Informal Discussion and Announcements 1. The City Council discussed receiving a COPS FAST grant award. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. ATTEST: City Clerk 1324 1 February 27, 1995 1325 Pursuant to due call and notice given in the matter prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, the Work Session of the Crystal City Council was held on February 27, 1995, at 8:00 P.M., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following were present: Herbes, Krueger, Joselyn, Grimes, Langsdorf, Anderson. Absent was: Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works. The City Council discussed the following items. 1. The City Council discussed the Northwest Hennepin Human Services Council's telephone survey results. Donna Martin of Northwest Hennepin Human Services Council gave the presentation. 2. The City Council interviewed Diane Bolter, 3225 Yates Avenue North, for consideration for appointment to the Human Rights Commission when a vacancy occurs. Ms. Bolter did not appear for the interview. 3. The City Council discussed Street Rehabilitation on Noble Avenue. Scott Harri of SEH was present for the discussion. 4. The City Council discussed the Employee Appreciation Event in the 1995 Budget. 5. The City Council discussed redevelopment issues. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ATTEST: Commoity Devela en Director March 7, 1995 1326 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on March 7, 1995, at 7:00 P.M., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The Secretary of the Council called the roll and the following were present: Herbes, Krueger, Joselyn, Meintsma, Grimes, Langsdorf, Anderson. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Darlene George, City Clerk; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Mayor acknowledged charitable gambling donations for the Police Reserve in the amounts of $1,000.00 from Elks Lodge x#44, $1,000.00 from the Crystal Lions, and a donation in the amount of $135.00 from St. Andrews Episcopal Church to reimburse the Crystal Reserve Uniform Budget for the purpose of a jacket for Reserve Officer Kenneth Knowles. The City Council considered the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 21, 1995 and the Council Work Session of February 27, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of February 21, 1995 and the Council Work Session of February 27, 1995. Motion Carried. The City Council considered the following items on the Consent Agenda: 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Approval of a solicitor's permit for Greenpeace to solicit in the City of Crystal during the month of March, 1995. March 7, 1995 1327 4. Approval of the Crystal Police Department's annual bicycle auction for the sale of unclaimed bicycles and other miscellaneous items on Saturday, April 22, 1995, at the City Garage, 6125 41st Avenue North, and authorization to post temporary signs. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. The City Council considered the following Public Hearings: 1. It being 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Meintsma declared this was the date and time as advertised to conduct a Public Hearing at which time the City Council will consider the allocation of the 1995 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The Mayor asked those present to voice their opinions or to ask questions concerning this matter. Those present and heard were: Sharon Johnson, Executive Director of CASH; Jim Nicholie, of Greater Minneapolis Day Care Association. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-7 RESOLUTION APPROVING PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS FOR 1995 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 2. It being 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Meintsma declared this was the date and time as advertised for a Public Hearing at which time the City Council will consider the issuance of Health Care Facility Revenue Bonds by the City of Edina on behalf of Volunteers of America Care Facilities to refinance and improve an existing nursing home facility in the City of Crystal (Crystal Care, 3245 Vera Cruz Avenue North). The Mayor March 7, 1995 1328 asked those present to voice their opinions or ask questions concerning this matter. Those present and heard were: Bruce Farrington, Financial Consultant for VOA. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-8 RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO THE PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF UP TO $8,500,000.00 HEALTH CARE FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS (VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA CARE FACILITIES PROJECTS), SERIES 1995 BY THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. The City Council considered the following items on the Regular Agenda. 1. The City Council considered the application for appointment to the Financial Advisory Commission of Myron L. Kasch, 7600 - 30th Avenue North, for an unexpired term expiring December 31, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to appoint Myron L. Kasch, 7600 - 30th Avenue North, to the Financial Advisory Commission for an unexpired term expiring December 31, 1995. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered a private kennel license for Shelly Wing, 2720 Florida Avenue North #215, Douglas Apartments. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to approve a private kennel license for Shelly Wing, 2720 Florida Avenue North #215, Douglas Apartments. Motion Carried. March 7, 1995 1329 3. The City Council considered a private kennel license for Claire Zindler, 6329 Brentwood Avenue North. Those appearing and heard were: Robert Bellos, 6321 Brentwood; Claire Zindler, applicant. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve a private kennel license for Claire Zindler, 6329 Brentwood Avenue North. By roll call and voting aye: Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Grimes; voting no: Meintsma, Anderson. Motion Carried. 4. The City Council considered the second reading for an ordinance regarding Flood Plain Amendments. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95-4 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING; FLOOD PROTECTION: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE (APPENDIX I -ZONING) SUBSECTION 515.47, SUBDIVISIONS 1, 5, 9 AND 13 AND ADDING A SUBDIVISION and further that this be the second and final reading. Motion Carried. 5. The City Council considered award of a contract for sewer television Phase II of the South Crystal street reconstruction. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-9 RESOLUTION APPROVING EXPENDITURE FOR CONTRACTING SEWER TELEVISING By roll call and voting aye: Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. March 7, 1995 1330 6. The City Council considered a resolution regarding the purchase of an electric valve operator. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-10 RESOLUTION APPROVING UTILITY FUND EXPENDITURE FOR PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC VALVE OPERATOR By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 7. The City Council considered a resolution approving plans and specifications and ordering out bids for Phase I of the South Crystal Street Rehabilitation Project (Winnetka Hills) . Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Meintsma to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which is dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-11 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Joselyn, Krueger; abstaining: Herbes. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 8. The City Council considered an amendment to the City Code regarding public swimming pools. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PUBLIC HEALTH: SWIMMING POOLS; AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SUBSECTION 625.01 March 7, 1995 1331 and further, that the second and final reading be held on March 21, 1995. Motion Carried. 9. The City Council considered the second reading of an ordinance regarding park changes. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95-5 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PARKS: CLOSING HOURS: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SUBSECTION 815.05 AND ADDING A SECTION TO SECTION 815 and further, that this be the second and final reading. Motion Carried. 10. The City Council considered a resolution supporting an amendment to the original I-394 legislation. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95 - RESOLUTION SUPPORTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE ORIGINAL I-394 LEGISLATION Motion failed for lack of a second. 11. The City Council considered a resolution supporting passage of the "Minnesota Emerging Communications Services Act of 1995". Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-12 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING PASSAGE OF THE "MINNESOTA EMERGING COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES ACT OF 1995" March 7, 1995 1332 By roll call and voting aye: Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 12. The City Council discussed the sign ordinance. Staff was directed to revisit the sign ordinance, specifically, lighting. 13. The City Council considered endorsing housing legislation. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which is dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-13 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE LEGISLATURE AND GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO PASS AND SIGN INTO LAW SPECIAL LEGISLATION FOR THE CRYSTAL HOUSING REPLACEMENT PROGRAM By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 14. The City Council considered changing the March Council Work Session date. By consensus the Work Session was set for 7 p.m. on March 28, 1995. Informal Discussion and Announcements 1. Mayor Meintsma advised he had been approached by Mr. Benson who wishes to pursue development of the Nafstad property. By consensus the Council directed staff to begin the formation of a task force to study the proposal to be presented by Mr. Benson as follows: Mayor as Council Representative President of Economic Development Authority 2 Planning Commission members 2 EDA Advisory Commission members 2 residents from the area 1 Environmental Commission member 1 Park & Recreation Commission member March 7, 1995 1333 Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. ATTEST: City Clerk 1 • March 21, 1995 1334 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on March 21, 1995, at 7:00 P.M., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The Secretary of the Council called the roll and the following were present: Herbes, Krueger, Joselyn, Meintsma, Grimes, Langsdorf, Anderson. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Steve Peaslee, Planner; Joan Schmidt, Deputy Clerk; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Mayor acknowledged Charitable Gambling donations to the Park & Recreation Department in the amounts of $1,000 for the Adopt -A - Park Program and $500 for Youth Wrestling from the Crystal Lions Club. The City Council considered the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of March 7, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of March 7, 1995. Motion Carried. The City Council considered the following items on the Consent Agenda: 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Set 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, April 4, 1995, to consider the rental license of Wallace Kenneth, Douglas Apartment Homes, 27th and Douglas Drive. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve the Consent Agenda. March 21, 1995 Motion Carried. The City Council considered the following during Open Forum: 1335 1. Skip Hildebrandt, 5736 Lakeland, owner of All Floors and More, appeared to discuss the parking situation on his residential property and past vandalism at his commercial location. He was advised to contact City staff to look at parking possibilities and to obtain advice on how to be better protected. The City Council considered the following items on the Regular Agenda. 1. The City Council considered the application for reappointment to the Employee Review Board from Sonnie Braih, 4912 - 53rd Avenue North, for a term expiring December 31, 1997. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to reappoint Sonnie Braih, 4912 - 53rd Avenue North, to the Employee Review Board for a term expiring December 31, 1997. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered the COPS Fast Grant Program. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson that staff should go ahead with the next steps for the program. Motion Carried. 3. The City Council considered rezoning property from B-4 (Community Commercial) District to B-3 (Auto -Oriented) District; a conditional use permit to allow minor auto repair in a B-3 District; and for a variance in lot area and lot size at 5264 West Broadway for American Brake Services, Inc. (ABS). Present and heard were: Bob Gadboies, West Broadway and Douglas Drive, owner of Meineke Muffler; Anthony Brumm, 5701 West Broadway, representing Automotive Services; Jerry Simon, 5240 West Broadway, representing Dumarks, Inc.; and Garr Matson, area developer for ABS. A. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adopt the following ordinance: March 21, 1995 1336 ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING; CHANGING THE USE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN LANDS and further, that the second and final reading be held on April 4, 1995. Motion Carried. B. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve as recommended by and based on the findings of fact of the Planning Commission a conditional use permit to allow minor auto repair (Section 515.35, Subd. 4 c) in a B-3 District. Motion Carried. C. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Mayor Meintsma to approve as recommended by and based on the findings of fact of the Planning Commission authorization to vary or modify the strict application of Section 515.35, Subd. 4 c) 4) to grant a variance of 4,500 sq. ft. in the required 22,500 sq. ft. lot area. (have 18,000 sq. ft.) and 55 ft. of the required 130 ft. by 150 ft. lot size (have 75 ft. by 250 ft.) (Section 515.35, Subd. 4 c) 4) at 5264 West Broadway as submitted in application #95-1.1. Motion Carried. 4. The City Council considered a conditional use permit to allow a drive up window at a convenience food establishment in a B-3 District at 6800 - 56th Avenue North for Northstar Restaurants, Inc. (Boston Market). Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve as recommended by and based on the findings of fact of the Planning Commission a conditional use permit to allow a drive up window in a convenience food establishment in a B-3 (Auto Oriented) District at 6800 - 56th Avenue North, as submitted in application #95-2.4. Motion Carried. 5. The City Council considered a variance request to the sign ordinance (Section 405.17, Subd. 14) to permit a 17.25 sq. ft. directional sign which will exceed the maximum permitted March 21, 1995 1337 6 sq. ft. at Crystal Shopping Center, 103 Willow Bend. Present and heard were: John Streeter and Ed Paster, Paster Enterprises. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Mayor Meintsma to approve based on the findings of fact presented by the City Planner in a memo dated March 16, 1995 authorization to grant a variance to the sign ordinance (Section 405.17, Subd. 14) three sq. ft. to permit three 9 sq. ft. directional signs which would exceed the maximum permitted 6 sq. ft. at Crystal Shopping Center, 103 Willow Bend, as requested by Crystal Center. Motion Carried. The Mayor called a recess at 8:34 p.m. and the meeting was reconvened at 8:40 p.m. 6. The City Council considered the second reading of an amendment to the City Code regarding public swimming pools. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95-6 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PUBLIC HEALTH: SWIMMING POOLS: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SUBSECTION 625.01 and further, that this be the second and final reading. Motion Carried. 7. The City Council considered a resolution approving payment for the Parks Department pickup truck. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-14 RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR A PARKS DEPARTMENT PICKUP TRUCK March 21, 1995 By roll call and voting aye: Herbes, Krueger, Joselyn, Meintsma, Grimes, Langsdorf, Anderson. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 1338 8. The City Council discussed setting the date for a Public Hearing to certify assessments for Winnetka Hills Street Improvement Project #94-12. The date for the Public Hearing will be set at the April 4, 1995 Council Meeting. 9. The City Council considered a resolution awarding a contract for aerial survey for South Crystal Streets, Phases 2, 3, and 4. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-15 RESOLUTION APPROVING EXPENDITURE FOR AERIAL SURVEY AND MAPPING, SOUTH CRYSTAL STREET REHABILITATION, PHASES 2, 3, AND 4 WITH AWARD OF BID TO MARK HURD By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Joselyn, Meintsma, Grimes, Langsdorf, Anderson, Herbes. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 10. The City Council considered a resolution regarding an amendment to the financial policies. Present and heard: Brian Schneider, 6500 - 47th Avenue North, Chair of Financial Advisory Commission. The Council unanimously decided not to take action at this time. The Park & Recreation Advisory Commission should also make recommendations. What is discretionary versus non discretionary versus essential services needs to be defined as well as an analysis of costs need to be made. Joint Work Session of Council and Park & Recreation Advisory Commission is to be considered. 1 March 21, 1995 Informal Discussion and Announcements 1339 1. The City Council discussed legislation regarding consolidation of Crystal and New Hope Volunteer Firefighters Relief Association. 2. The City Council discussed setting 7:00 p.m., on May 23, 1995, as the date and time for a Public Hearing regarding organized hauling of refuse. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m. ATTEST: Deputy Clerk Motion Carried. • 1340 March 28, 1995 Pursuant to due call and notice given in the matter prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, the Work Session of the Crystal City Council was held on March 28, 1995, at 7:00 P.M., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. Councilmembers present were: Herbes, Krueger, Joselyn, Meintsma, Grimes, Langsdorf, Anderson. Staff members in attendance were: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Laura Kushner, Assistant Manager; James Mossey, Police Chief; Craig Thomseth, Police Lieutenant; Thomas Mathisen, Director of Public Works; Jim Otto, Finance Director; and Kevin McGinty, Fire Chief. 1. The City Council discussed the Crystal Frolics and July 4th celebrations. Ed Thonander of the Crystal Frolics Committee was in attendance. 2. The City Council discussed the parking ordinance. 3. The City Council discussed the ordinance relating to cigarette sales. 4. The City Council discussed assessments for Winnetka Hills Street Improvement Project #94-12. Scott Harri of SEH was in attendance. 5. The City Council discussed May 24 (instead of May 23) as the date for a Public Hearing regarding organized hauling of refuse. The Work Session adjourned at 9:30 P.M. � r, "dw mA N", ATTEST: City Manage April 4, 1995 1341 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on April 4. 1995, at 7:00 P.M., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The Secretary of the Council called the roll and the following were present: Herbes, Krueger, Joselyn, Meintsma, Grimes, Langsdorf, Anderson. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Dave Kennedy, City Attorney; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Darlene George, City Clerk; Jim Otto, Finance Director. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Mayor proclaimed May 19-20, 1995 as the dates for the annual sale of Buddy Poppies by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States in the City of Crystal. The City Council considered the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of March 21, 1995 and the Work Session of March 28, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of March 21, 1995 and to approve after adding Item #6 (Discuss reorganization of clerical staff) the Work Session minutes of March 28, 1995. Motion Carried. The City Council considered the following items on the Consent Agenda: 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. April 4, 1995 1342 3. Approval of a Transient Merchant License application submitted by Saba Flowers to sell flowers on Palm Sunday, Easter and Mother's Day weekends (April 8, 9, 14, 15, 16 and May 12, 13, 14, 1995) at 36th and Douglas Drive and 6000 - 42nd Avenue North. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. The City Council considered the following Public Hearing. 1. It being 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Meintsma declared this was the date and time as advertised for a public hearing at which time the City Council will consider the rental license of Wallace Kenneth, Douglas Apartment Homes, 27th and Douglas Drive. The Mayor asked those present to voice their opinions or to ask questions concerning this matter. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to continue the public hearing to the April 18, 1995 City Council meeting. Motion Carried. The City Council considered the following items on the Regular Agenda. 1. The City Council considered a request from Tom Stuart of the Main Event to expand his operation at 5216 West Broadway. Tom Stuart appeared and was heard. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve Mr. Stuart's request to expand his operations at the Main Event, 5216 West Broadway, with an annual review of the site and parking. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered the use of charitable gambling funds in the amount of $4,000 to fund the Truancy Prevention Program. Rosie Oftelie, School Social Worker for Hosterman Middle School, appeared and was heard. April 4, 1995 1343 Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve the use of charitable gambling funds in the amount of $3,000 to fund the Truancy Prevention Program. Motion Carried. 3. The City Council considered the second reading of an ordinance regarding rezoning property from B-4 (Community Commercial) District to B-3 (Auto -Oriented) District at 5264 West Broadway for American Brake Service, Inc. (ABS). Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95-7 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING: CHANGING THE USE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN LANDS and further, that this be the second and final reading. Motion Carried 4. The City Council considered bids received for Phase 1, Winnetka Hills Street Improvement Project #94-12, and order Special Assessment Public Hearing. Scott Harri of SEH appeared and was heard. Moved by Mayor Meintsma and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-16 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma; voting no: Herbes, Anderson. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: April 4, 1995 1344 RESOLUTION NO. 95-17 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT By roll call and voting aye: Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 5. The City Council considered a resolution relating to parking restrictions on 32nd Avenue North. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-18 RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON 32ND AVENUE NORTH By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn. Councilmember Krueger was out of the room when vote was taken. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 6. The City Council considered a resolution approving PIR expenditure for purchase of Streets Department pickup truck and plow. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-19 RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR PURCHASE OF STREETS DEPARTMENT PICKUP TRUCK AND PLOW By roll call and voting aye: Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Langsdorf. Councilmember Krueger was out of the room when vote was taken. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. April 4, 1995 1345 7. The City Council considered a resolution amending the PIR Budget for replacement of the Community Center locker rooms floor covering. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-20 RESOLUTION AMENDING PIR BUDGET AND APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR INSTALLATION OF CERAMIC TILE AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 8. The City Council considered the approval to use charitable gambling funds to purchase city lapel pins. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve a request from the North Metro Highway 100 Council for support in the amount of $3,000, with funding allocated from the Council Contingency Fund. Motion Carried. 10. The City Council discussed the transfer in control of the cable system from King Videocable to Continental Cable Vision. Moved by Krueger Councilmember Herbes to approve the use of and seconded by Councilmember charitable gambling funds to purchase city lapel pins. Motion Carried. 9. The City Council considered a request from the North Metro Highway 100 Council for support in the amount of $3,000. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve a request from the North Metro Highway 100 Council for support in the amount of $3,000, with funding allocated from the Council Contingency Fund. Motion Carried. 10. The City Council discussed the transfer in control of the cable system from King Videocable to Continental Cable Vision. April 4, 1995 1346 Informal Discussion and Announcements 1. The City Council discussed the City Council Work Session and the Assessment Hearing for Winnetka Hills Street Improvement Project being on the same evening (April 27th). April 27, 1995 Council Work Session was cancelled by general consent of the Council. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. ATTEST: l� City Clerk l Ma or ATTEST: l� City Clerk 1 April 18, 1995 1347 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City of Crystal Council convened as a Board of Review on April 18, 1995, at 7:00 p.m., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The Secretary of the Council called the roll and the following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The City Council held the April 18, 1995 Board of Review meeting to discuss the 1995 assessment rolls. Glen Busitzky and Scott Neu of the Hennepin County Assessor's Office were present to answer questions. Those residents registering concerns were: Mike Halek, 3141 Douglas Dr., PID #20-118-21-41-0077 Robert Schon, 3930 Jersey Av. N., PID #17-118-21-42-0047 John Paulson, Apartment Owner in Crystal Gordon Ramerth, 5825 Maryland, PID #05-118-21-24-0022 Chip Friedline, 2959 Idaho Av. N., PID #20-118-21-42-0005 Andy Dorn, 6529 - 42nd Av. N., PID #17-118-21-14-0026 Don Sommers, 6721 Valley Place N., PID #20-118-21-13-0061 Gordon Solly, 3862 Idaho Av. N., PID #17-118-21-42-0087 Wyman Baker, 3011 Vera Cruz Av. N., PID #21-118-21-31-0023 Beverly Aubol, 6809 - 36th Av. N., PID #20-118-21-12-0088 Gerald Pastoors, 4331 Louisiana Av. N., PID #17 -118 -21 -21 - Don Crawford, 3833 Hampshire Irene Anderson, 2949 Hampshire Arlene Wazlahowsky, 4840 Hamps 0041 Av. N., PID #17-118-21-42-0003 Av. N., PID #20-118-21-43-0012 hire Av. N., PID #08-118-21-41- 0134 Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to direct the County Assessors to review appealed properties and prepare a report to the City Council for final action of taxes and values on May 2, 1995. Motion Carried Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adjourn the meeting of the Board of Review until 7:00 p.m. on May 2, 1995. Motion Carried. April 18, 1995 The Board of Review adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Peter E. Mei sma, Mayor ATTEST: i Darlene George, City Clerk 1348 0 April 18, 1995 1349 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on April 18, 1995, at 8:00 P.M., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The Secretary of the Council called the roll and the following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Steve Peaslee, Planner; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor proclaimed April 23-29, 1995 as Volunteer Recognition Week in the City of Crystal. The Mayor proclaimed April 26, 1995 as School -Age Child Care Day in the City of Crystal. The Mayor acknowledged the attendance of Boy Scout Troop 247 of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of April 4, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of April 4, 1995. Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Set 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, May 24, 1995 as the date and time to consider organized refuse collection in the City of Crystal. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. April 18, 1995 1[30710] PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. It being 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Meintsma declared this was the date and time for a continued public hearing at which time the City Council will consider the rental license of Wallace Kenneth, Douglas Apartment Homes, 27th and Douglas Drive. The Mayor asked those present to voice their opinions or to ask questions concerning this matter. Those present and heard were: The Mayor closed the Public Hearing Staff informed the Council that Mr. Kenneth asked for continuation of the public hearing to May 2, 1995 because the weather conditions had not allowed outside work to be completed. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to continue discussion of the rental license of Wallace Kenneth, Douglas Apartment Homes, 27th and Douglas Drive, to May 2, 1995. Motion Carried. 2. It being 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Meintsma declared this was the date and time as advertised for a public hearing at which time the City Council will consider the sale of city -owned property immediately to the south of 5358 West Broadway. The Mayor asked those present to voice their opinions or to ask questions concerning this matter. Those present and heard were: The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution with contingencies set forth in the Community Development Director's memo dated April 7, 1995, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-21 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A PURCHASE AGREEMENT By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. April 18, 1995 1351 Motion carried, resolution declared adopted REGULAR AGENDA 1. The City Council considered the applications for appointment to the EDA Advisory Commission of Max Williams, 3824 Idaho Avenue North; Reid Johnson, 3345 Nevada Avenue North #4; and Robert Bellos, Sr., 6321 Brentwood Avenue North for terms expiring December 31, 1997. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to appoint Reid Johnson, 3345 Nevada #4 to the EDA Advisory Commission as a business owner representative for a term expiring December 31, 1997. Motion Carried. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to appoint Robert Bellos, Sr., 6321 Brentwood Avenue to the EDA Advisory Commission as a representative of Ward 4, for a term expiring December 31, 1997. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered the application for appointment to the Environmental Commission of Rebecca Mathre, 4135 Hampshire Avenue North for a term expiring December 31, 1997. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to appoint Rebecca Mathre, 4135 Hampshire Avenue North to the Environmental Commission for a term expiring December 31, 1997. Motion Carried. 3. Steven Brooten of North Hennepin Mediation Program, Incorporated gave a presentation about the program. No action was taken. April 18, 1995 1352 4. Tami Athens, a Crystal resident running for the title of Mrs. Minnesota -America 1995, appeared before the City Council to request city support for the Mrs. Minnesota Pageant. No action was taken. 5. The City Council considered redevelopment of Clark's Submarine, 5358 West Broadway: Application #95-3.3 for a site plan review; Application #95-3.4 for a conditional use permit to allow a convenience food establishment (Burger King) in a B-3 District; and Application #95-3.8 for approval of a preliminary and final plat of Nath Crystal Addition, property located at 5358 West Broadway as submitted by Nath Companies. Dennis Trisler, a representative of Nath Franchise Group, appeared and was heard. A. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve as recommended by and based on the findings of fact of the Planning Commission, pursuant to Section 515.56 of the Crystal City Code, Application #95-3.3 for a site plan review and Application #95-3.4 for a conditional use permit to allow a convenience food establishment (Burger King) in a B-3 (Auto -Oriented) District (Section 515.35, Subd. 4a) at 5358 West Broadway, as requested by Nath Companies. Motion Carried. B. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-22 RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL PLAT OF NATH CRYSTAL ADDITION By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. The Mayor called a recess at 8:55 p.m. and the meeting was reconvened at 9:05 p.m. 6. The City Council considered three ordinances and related notices of public hearing proposing amendments to the Crystal City Charter. April 18, 1995 1353 Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to set 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, May 16, 1995 as the date and time for a public hearing to consider oral and written testimony concerning a proposed amendment to Chapter 8 of the Home Rule Charter of the City. Motion Carried. 7. The City Council considered a proposed pension enhancement for the Police Relief Association members made possible by a statute change in 1994. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf that the consensus of the City Council has no intention of implementing the payment of survivor benefits to the surviving spouses of Police Relief Association members who remarry after leaving the employment of the City of Crystal's Police Department, as allowed by a 1994 state statute revision. Motion Carried. 8. The City Council considered an ordinance relating to motor vehicle parking on holidays. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING:HOLIDAYS:AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SUBSECTION 1310.07, SUBDIVISION 2 and further, that the second and final reading be held on May 2, 1995. Motion Carried. 9. The City Council considered an ordinance relating to tobacco products in vending machines. Moved by Councilmember Meintsma and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following ordinance: April 18, 1995 1354 ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO TOBACCO PRODUCTS: VENDING MACHINES:AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE BY ADDING A SECTION AND REPEALING SECTION 1135 and further, that the second and final reading be held on May 2, 1995. Motion Carried. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. j io Peter ATTEST: 1 / Darlene George, City, lerk 1 April 27, 1995 1355 Pursuant to due call and notice given in the manner prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, a Special Council Meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on April 27, 1995, 7:00 p.m., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The Secretary of the Council called the roll and the following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works; Jim Otto, Finance Director, Robert Nichols, Engineering Technician; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. It being 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Meintsma declared this was the date and time as advertised for a public hearing at which time the City Council will consider comments on the proposed assessments for the 1995 Phase I Street Reconstruction - Winnetka Hills Area. The Mayor asked those present to voice their opinions or to ask questions concerning this matter. Those present and heard were: Scott Harri, SEH, Incorporated, Engineering Consultant Greg Fiebiger, 3039 Wisconsin Dick Rader, 8615 - 32nd Avenue North Howard Olson, 32nd & Utah Jim Rygg, 8317 - 30th Avenue North Jim Griffin, 8101 - 30th Avenue North Robert Featherstone, 8300 - 32nd Avenue North Leroy Mude, 3419 Xenia Avenue North Kay Gohman, 8201 - 32nd Avenue North Pam Johnson, 3235 Winnetka Avenue Connie Toays, 8325 - 32nd Place Sarah Krzesowiak, 3001 Utah Avenue North Letters were received from: Sarah Krzesowiak, 3001 Utah Avenue North Betty Bacock, 3417 Wisconsin Avenue North Shirley Kautz, 3041 Virginia Avenue North Virginia Morton, 3032 Virginia Avenue North The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. The Mayor called a recess at 8:00 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:10 p.m. April 27, 1995 1356 Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Meintsma to recommend that the Council adopt the Proposed Assessment Policy Revisions for the 1995 Phase I Street Reconstruction, Winnetka Hills, City Project No. 94-12 dated April 25, 1995 as presented by the City Engineer. Councilmember Langsdorf withdrew her motion. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf that the City of Crystal pick up the cost of curb and gutter replacement for the 32 properties with existing "D" curb. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to amend the motion to specify the funding to replace curb and gutter on the 32 properties with existing "D" curb be taken from the Contingency Fund of the project. Voting on the amendment: Aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Voting on the motion as amended: Aye: Anderson, Grimes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma; voting no: Herbes As a matter of record the consensus of the Council is that the above action was taken due to error in how this project was presented to the public in terms of the curb and gutter replacement; that an inference was given that if you ever bought curb, you would never have to buy curb again, and that in Phases 2, 3 and 4 of the South Crystal Street Rehabilitation Project, this does not set a precedent for future projects, but atonement for errors relating to Phase I only. This is not setting policy for the future and in the future when curb needs replacing the property owner will have to pay for it. Other taxpayers will not be asked to pay for it. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-23 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT PHASE I STREET RECONSTRUCTION WINNETKA HILLS AREA By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma; voting no: Anderson, Herbes. 1 April 27, 1995 1357 Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Meintsma to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-24 RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONTRACT By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma; voting no: Herbes. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ATTEST: Darlene George, City'Clerk Motion Carried. (i ? �' -A 91 -: Peter E. Meintsma, C May 2, 1995 1358 Pursuant to due call and notice given in the manner prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, the Special Council Meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on May 2, 1995, 6:35 p.m., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following councilmembers were present: Meintsma, Anderson, Langsdorf, Joselyn, Herbes, Krueger, Grimes. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Mac LeFevre, City Attorney's Office; Laura Kushner, Assistant Manager. The Mayor announced a Closed Executive Session was being held to discuss pending litigation. The Mayor announced the adjournment of the Executive Session at 7:03 p.m.. ATTEST: a Kushner Assistant Manager Peter E, Meintsma, Mayor May 2, 1995 1359 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City of Crystal Council reconvened as a Board of Review on May 2, 1995, at 7:00 p.m., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The Secretary of the Council called the roll and the following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes (7:05 p.m.), Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works; Steve Peaslee, Planner; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The City Council continued the April 18, 1995 Board of Review meeting to discuss appeals of the 1995 assessment rolls. Mr. Glen Busitzky and Scott Neu of the Hennepin County Assessor's Office were present to discuss the appeals. Residents heard were Andrew Dorn, 6529 - 42nd Avenue North, PID 417-118-21-14-0026. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to approve the 1995 assessment rolls as presented by the Hennepin County Assessor. Motion Carried. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adjourn the meeting of the Board of Review. Motion Carried. The Board of Review adjourned at 7:12 p.m. Peter E. Meintsma, Mayor ATTEST: Darlene George, Ci&y Clerk 1358 May 2, 1995 1360 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on May 2, 1995, at 7:00 P.M., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The Secretary of the Council called the roll and the following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney (7:15 p.m.); Tom Mathisen, Director of Public works; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Steve Peaslee, Planner; Sante Davidson, Street Superintendent; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor proclaimed May 6, 1995 as Arbor Day in the City of Crystal. The Mayor Proclaimed the week of May 15-19, 1995 as B -BOP to work week in the City of Crystal. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the Board of Review Meeting and the Regular City Council Meeting of April 18, 1995, and the minutes of the Special Meeting of April 27, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve the minutes of the Board of Review meeting and the Regular City Council Meeting of April 18, 1995, and the minutes of the Special Meeting of April 27, 1995. Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Acceptance of the 1994 Financial Statement and Auditor's Report as presented by the Finance Director. May 2, 1995 1361 4. Acceptance of the Auditor's Management Report as presented by the Finance Director. 5. Acceptance of the Auditor's Single Audit Report as presented by the Finance Director. 6. Acceptance of the Investment Report as presented by the Finance Director. 7. Acceptance of the City Manager's Expenses Report. 8. Approval of a solicitation permit for V.F.W. Post #494 and Auxiliary, 5222 - 56th Avenue North, to sell Buddy Poppies May 19-20, 1995. 9. Approval of a solicitation permit for Youth Today Leader Tomorrow, 4840 North Sorell Avenue, Minneapolis, to solicit door-to-door in Crystal from May 3, 1995 to December 31, 1995, when weather permits. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. REGULAR AGENDA 1. The City Council discussed adding two items to the end of the May 2, 1995 Council Agenda; one to consider a resolution ordering the abatement of hazardous conditions existing at 5416 - 34th Place North, and one to consider an appropriation from the Charitable Gambling Fund. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve the addition of two items to the end of the May 2, 1995 Council Agenda; one to consider a resolution ordering the abatement of hazardous conditions existing at 5416 - 34th Place North, and one to consider an appropriation from the Charitable Gambling Fund. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered the recommendation to the Chief Judge of Hennepin County District Court of the appointments of Tom Madden, 5022 - 49th Avenue North and Corwin Hulbert, 7710 - 36th Avenue North #103, to the Crystal Charter Commission for terms expiring May 15, 1999. Mr. Madden and Mr. Hulbert appeared and were heard. May 2, 1995 1362 Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to recommend Tom Madden, 5022 - 49th Avenue North and Corwin Hulbert, 7710 - 36th Avenue North 4103 to the Chief Judge of Hennepin County District Court for appointment to the City of Crystal Charter Commission. Motion Carried 3. The City Council considered Application 95004.3 Site Plan review for proposed retail development of 5101 - 36th Avenue North. Jeff Holle, Contractor and Doug Stewart of Video Update appeared and were heard. Moved by Mayor Meintsma and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve as recommended by the Planning Commission, Application 495004.3 for a site plan review (Section 520 of the Crystal City Code) of a proposed approximately 8,820 sq. ft. building with a 7,020 sq. ft. video store plus 1,800 sq. ft. retail at 5101 - 36th Avenue North, as submitted by Holle Construction Company for Bill and Tony Nicklow, and further, that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to sign such agreement. Motion Carried. 4. The City Council considered the renewal of variances to permit an outdoor cafe at Steve O's, 4900 West Broadway. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve variances to operate an outside cafe at Steve O's, 4900 West Broadway, contingent upon compliance of conditions set forth in the Community Development Director's memo of April 25, 1995. Motion Carried. Councilmember Herbes was absent from the table when vote was taken. S. The City Council considered the second reading of an ordinance relating to motor vehicle parking on holidays. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95-8 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING:HOLIDAYS:AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SUBSECTION 1310.07, SUBDIVISION 2 May 2, 1995 1363 and further, that this be the second and final reading. Motion Carried. Councilmember Herbes was absent from the table when the vote was taken. 6. The City Council considered the second reading of an ordinance relating to tobacco products in vending machines. Moved by Mayor Meintsma and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95-9 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO TOBACCO PRODUCTS: VENDING MACHINES:AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE BY ADDING A SECTION AND REPEALING SECTION 1135 and further, that this be the second and final reading. Motion Carried. Councilmember Herbes was absent from the table when the vote was taken. 7. The City Council considered a resolution opposing the approval of the Metropolitan Council's Transportation Development Policy Plan. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-25 RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE APPROVAL OF THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL'S TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT POLICY PLAN By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 8. The City Council considered a resolution on saving the assault weapons ban. May 2, 1995 1364 Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-26 RESOLUTION RELATING TO SAVING THE ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson; Abstain: Herbes Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 9. The City Council discussed setting a date for the annual city tour. By general consent the Council set 5:00 p.m. on May 25, 1995 as the date and time to conduct a tour of the city. 10. The City Council considered bids received for the 1995 Tree Removal. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-27 RESOLUTION APPROVING EXPENDITURE FOR CONTRACTING TREE REMOVAL By roll call and voting aye: Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Lanasdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 11. The City Council considered quotes for capital expenditure, vehicle maintenance diagnostic equipment. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-28 RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR PURCHASE OF STREETS DEPARTMENT ENGINE DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT By roll call and voting aye: Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes. May 2, 1995 1365 Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 12. The City Council considered a joint agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation for maintenance of a storm water detention pond. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve a joint maintenance agreement with the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation for a storm water detention pond along the west frontage road of Trunk Highway 100, just north of Bassett Creek, and further, that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to sign such agreement. Motion Carried. 13. The City Council considered a resolution providing for the issuance and sale of $2,160,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds for Phase I of the South Crystal Street Rehabilitation Project. Bob Thistle of Springsted, Incorporated appeared and was heard. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Mayor Meintsma to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-29 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF $2,160,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1995A By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 14. The City Council considered a resolution ordering the abatement of hazardous conditions existing at 5416 - 34th Place North, in the City of Crystal. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-30 RESOLUTION ORDERING THE ABATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS EXISTING AT May 2, 1995 1366 5416 - 34TH PLACE NORTH, IN THE CITY OF CRYSTAL By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 15. The City Council considered the appropriation of $500 from the Charitable Gambling Fund, contributed to the City by V.F.W. Post #494, for Crystal resident Tami Athens, a contestant for Mrs. Minnesota. Moved by Councilmember Herbes to approve the appropriation of $500 from the Charitable Gambling Fund for Crystal resident and Mrs. Minnesota contestant, Tami Athens. Motion failed for lack of a second. Moved by Mayor Meintsma and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to deny the appropriation of $500 from the Charitable Gambling Fund for Crystal resident and Mrs. Minnesota contestant, Tami Athens, and direct staff to provide a refund in the amount of $500 to V.F.W. Post 4494 from the Charitable Gambling Fund. Motion Carried Unanimously. The City Council discussed the assessment for the 32 properties with existing "D" type curb in the Phase I Winnetka Hills Street Rehabilitation Project. By general consent of the City Council, staff was directed to provide funding for curb replacement on the above referenced properties. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Peter E. Meint ma, Mayor ATTEST: May 2, 1995 1367 ATTEST: Darlene George, Citf Clerk LI May 16, 1995 1368 Pursuant to due call and notice given in the manner prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, the Special Council Meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on May 16, 1995, 6:30 p.m., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Jim Thomson, City Attorney's Office. The Mayor announced a Closed Executive Session was being held to discuss pending litigation and asked staff to provide background and update the City Council. Director of Public Works, Tom Mathisen, provided background information. Attorney James Thomson reviewed legal questions, possible outcome and proposed settlement terms. Discussion ensued. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve the settlement terms outlined by Mr. Thomson and Mr. Mathisen. By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Krueger; voting no: Anderson, Herbes, Joselyn, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Motion Failed. The Mayor announced the adjournment of the Executive Session at 7:00 p.m. eterE, ein sma, Mayor ATTZST: s R Jerry- Dulgar, Cit ager May 16, 1995 1369 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on May 16, 1995, at 7:00 P.M., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The Secretary of the Council called the roll and the following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Steve Peaslee, Planner; John Hill, Water & Sewer Superintendent; Gene Hackett, Recreation Director; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting, the Board of Review, and the Regular City Council meeting of May 2, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to approve the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting, the Board of Review meeting, and the Regular City Council Meeting of May 2, 1995. Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Approval for the Fire Department to use donated funds on Rescue Equipment, Station Equipment, Training Room Equipment, Emergency Equipment and Public Education Materials. 4. Acceptance of the resignation of Kay Kramer from the Human Rights Commission. Mr. Kramer recently moved to the City of New Hope. May 16, 1995 1370 5. Acceptance of the Quarterly Budget Report as submitted by the Finance Director. Councilmember Krueger requested Item No. 2 be removed for discussion. This item was placed at the end of the regular agenda. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve Items No. 1, 3, 4 and 5 on the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. It being 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Meintsma declared this was the date and time as advertised for a public hearing at which time the City Council will consider three ordinances amending the Crystal City Charter; (a) City Council could not exercise statutory city powers unless the exercise of that power was specifically granted by the charter, (b) provides that ordinances need not be published in full, and (c) provides that unpaid utility bills could be specially assessed against private property. The Mayor asked those present to voice their opinions or to ask questions concerning this matter. No one appeared. The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. A. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to table until June 6, 1995, consideration of the following ordinance for further study: ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CITY GOVERNMENT: AMENDING CHAPTER I OF THE CRYSTAL CITY CHARTER BY ADDING A SECTION Motion Carried Unanimously. B. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to table to June 6, 1995, consideration of the following ordinance: May 16, 1995 1371 ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CITY GOVERNMENT: AMENDING SECTION 3.08 OF THE CRYSTAL CITY CHARTER By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Langsdorf, Meintsma; voting no: Krueger. Motion Carried C. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CITY GOVERNMENT: AMENDING CHAPTER 8 OF THE CRYSTAL CITY CHARTER and further, that the second and final reading be held on June 6, 1995. By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson. Motion Carried OPEN FORUM 1. Don Powell, 5416 - 34th Place North appeared to request an extension of the abatement order on his home. Mr. Powell was advised to work with the city attorney's office. 2. Ray Pontius, 5801 Quail Avenue North appeared to voice a concern regarding code violations at 5757 Quail Avenue North. Staff was directed to follow up. REGULAR AGENDA 1. The City Council considered Application 495-5.9 for a four - season porch which will encroach in the required 5' side yard setback at 5100 - 47th Avenue North, as requested by Roger Miczek. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve as recommended by and based on the findings of fact of the Planning Commission, the authorization pursuant to Section 515.56 of the Crystal City Code, to vary or modify the strict application of Section May 16, 1995 1372 515.13, Subd. 3 a) 1) to grant a variance of 1 ft. in the required 5' side yard setback for construction of a 12' x 24' addition (four -season porch) on the existing house at 5100 - 47th Avenue North, as requested in Application #95- 5.9. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered a resolution approving a lot split for property at 6911 Corvallis Avenue North, rescinding Resolution No. 94-91. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-31 RESOLUTION APPROVING LOT SPLIT FOR PROPERTY AT 6911 CORVALLIS AVENUE NORTH, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 94-91 By roll call and voting aye: Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 3. The City Council considered a resolution approving PIR expenditure for the Recreation Department to purchase a computer software package for league scheduling. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-32 RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR PURCHASE OF RECWARE PRO LEAGUE SCHEDULING FOR WINDOWS SOFTWARE By roll call and voting aye: Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 4. John Hill, Water and Sewer Superintendent, appeared before the City Council to show a video and explain Phase II Televising. May 16, 1995 1373 5. The City Council considered a resolution accepting a feasibility study and ordering public hearing for the 1995 sealcoating project and related assessments. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-33 RESOLUTION RECEIVING SEAL COAT FEASIBILITY REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 6. The City Council considered a resolution approving PIR expenditure for the purchase of marked police cars. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-34 RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR PURCHASE OF MARKED POLICE CARS By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 7. The City Council considered an Application for One -Day Off - Site Lawful Gambling for Minneapolis/Crystal Elks Lodge 444, 5410 Lakeland Avenue North on July 30, 1995, at Becker Park, 6225 -56th Avenue North for the Crystal Frolics. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: May 16, 1995 RESOLUTION NO. 95-35 RESOLUTION RELATING TO LAWFUL GAMBLING: APPROVING CERTAIN PERMISES PERMITS By roll call and voting aye: Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf. 1374 Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 8. The City Council considered an Application for One -Day Off - Site Lawful Gambling for Knights of Columbus #3656, 4947 West Broadway on July 29, 1995 at Becker Park, 6225 -56th Avenue North for the Crystal Frolics. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-36 RESOLUTION RELATING TO LAWFUL GAMBLING: APPROVING CERTAIN PREMISES PERMITS By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 9. The City Council considered a moratorium on adult uses in the City of Crystal. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE PLACING A MORATORIUM ON THE SITING OF ADULT ESTABLISHMENTS WITHIN ANY ZONING DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL; AND DIRECTING A STUDY TO BE CONDUCTED and further, that the second and final reading be held on June 6, 1995. Motion Carried. May 16, 1995 1375 10. The City Council considered Item No. 2 on the Consent Agenda. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve Item No. 2 on the Consent Agenda, relating to disbursements over $5,000. Motion Carried. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Peter E. Meintsma, Mayor ATTEST: Darlene George, City itlerk May 24, 1995 1376 Pursuant to due call and notice given in the manner prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, the Special Council Meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on May 24, 1995, 7:00 p.m., at 4800 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following councilmembers were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Marilyn Corcoran, HRG Coordinator; Darlene George, City Clerk. 1. It being 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Meintsma declared this was the date and time as advertised for a public hearing at which time the city councils of Brooklyn Center, Crystal and New Hope will jointly consider organized solid waste collection. Crystal Mayor Meintsma presided over the public hearing and asked those present to voice their opinions or to ask questions concerning this matter. Those present and heard were: Brian Hinton, 4364 Douglas Drive, Crystal Howard Olson, 3148 Utah Avenue North, Crystal Dave Luebke, 3206 Florida Avenue North, Crystal Bill Leonard, 5926 Hampshire Avenue North, Crystal Michael P. Hall, Hauler Tom Moline, Woodland/BFI, Hauler Roy Haake, Waste Management Blaine, Hauler A memo was received on May 24, 1995 from Janice R. Scofield, 3656 Colorado Avenue North, Crystal. Mayor Meintsma closed the Public Hearing. Moved by Brooklyn Center Mayor Kragness and seconded by Crystal Councilmember Langsdorf to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. ATTEST: Darlene George, City C16kk Motion Carried. June 6, 1995 1377 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on June 6, 1995, at 7:00 P.M., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Gene Hackett, Recreation Director; Robert Nichols, Engineering Technician; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Mayor acknowledged a donation of $10,000 from the Crystal Lions Club to be used as follows: $4,000 to purchase dishes and utensils for the Community Center; $5,000 for July 4th fireworks; $800 for July 4th entertainment; $200 for portable restrooms. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting and the Regular City Council meeting of May 16, 1995, and the Special Council meeting of May 24, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting and the Regular City Council Meeting of May 16, 1995, and the Special Council meeting of May 24, 1995. Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Approval of an Application for Authorization for Exemption from Lawful Gambling License submitted by Church of St. Raphaels Crystal, 7301 Bass Lake Road on August 4, 5, and 6, 1995 for its annual festival. June 6, 1995 1378 4. Approval of an Application for Authorization to Conduct Excluded Bingo at Becker Park July 27-30, 1995 for the Crystal Frolics as submitted by Parents Without Partners, Chapter 244, 704 Cartway Avenue, Champlin, MN. Councilmember Herbes requested that Item No. 2 relating to disbursements over $5,000 be removed for discussion. This item will be placed at the end of the regular agenda. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to approve Items 1, 3 and 4 on the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. It being 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Meintsma declared this was the date and time as advertised for a public hearing at which time the City Council will consider the 1995 Sealcoat Project. The Mayor asked those present to voice their opinions or to ask questions concerning this matter. Those present and heard were: Dave Smothers, 5203 Angeline Avenue North Lyle Shonka, 5205 Angeline Avenue North Tim Woodruff, 5316 Xenia Avenue North Richard Carroll, 5116 - 53rd Avenue North Cynthia Phillips, 5211 Angeline Avenue North Tammy Payne, 5115 Angeline Avenue North Paul Quistorff, 5009 Angeline Avenue North Resident, 5649 Quail Avenue North Sherman Anderson, 5732 Twin Lake Terrace Resident, 5611 Quail Avenue North Ron Hasbrouck, 5003 Angeline Avenue North Pam Johnson, 5015 Angeline Avenue North Jackie Smothers, 5203 Angeline Avenue North The Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-37 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 95-2 SEAL COAT June 6, 1995 1379 By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. OPEN FORUM 1. Robert Bellos, 6321 Brentwood Avenue North, appeared to voice concerns regarding parking on Brentwood and Elmhurst Avenues during the July 4th and Crystal Frolics fireworks displays. Staff will review and bring back to the City Council. Mr. Bellos also inquired about enclosures required for dumpsters and voiced a concern regarding dumping in the alley. 2. Luz Campa appeared representing the Cliftons at 6619 - 31st Avenue North regarding blacktopping of the driveway. Staff advised Mr. Campa that the Cliftons would need to apply for a variance through the Planning Commission. REGULAR AGENDA 1. The City Council considered a resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of $2,160,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds for Winnetka Hills Street Reconstruction Project. Paul Donna of Springsted appeared and was heard. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-38 RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SALE OF $2,160,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1995A; FIXING THEIR FORM AND SPECIFICATIONS; DIRECTING THEIR EXECUTION AND DELIVERY; AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAYMENT By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 2. The City Council considered the use of donated funds in the amount of $725.00 to purchase cellular phones and to cover service and airtime fees for 1995 for use by the Recreation and Community Center departments. 1 J June 6, 1995 1380 Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve the authorization to use donated funds in the amount of $725.00 to purchase cellular phones for use by the Recreation and Community Center departments, and to cover service and airtime fees for 1995. Motion Carried. 3. The City Council continued consideration of the First Reading of ordinances amending the Crystal City Charter; (a) City Council would not exercise statutory city powers unless the exercise of that power was specifically granted by the Charter and (b) provides that ordinances need not be published in full. A. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to deny the adoption of the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95- AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CITY GOVERNMENT: AMENDING CHAPTER I OF THE CRYSTAL CITY CHARTER BY ADDING A SECTION By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Meintsma, Grimes, Herbes, Krueger; voting no: Anderson, Joselyn. Motion Carried. B. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CITY GOVERNMENT: AMENDING SECTION 3.08 OF THE CRYSTAL CITY CHARTER By roll call and voting aye: Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Krueger, Langsdorf; voting no: Joselyn. Motion Failed. 4. The City Council considered the Second Reading of an ordinance amending the Crystal City Charter relating to the assessment of unpaid utility bills. June 6, 1995 1381 Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95-10 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CITY GOVERNMENT: AMENDING CHAPTER 8 OF THE CRYSTAL CITY CHARTER and further, that this be the second and final reading. By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Motion Carried Unanimously. S. The City Council considered the Second Reading of an ordinance placing a moratorium on the siting of adult establishments within any zoning district of the city. A. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95-11 AN ORDINANCE PLACING A MORATORIUM ON THE SITING OF ADULT ESTABLISHMENTS WITHIN ANY ZONING DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL; AND DIRECTING A STUDY TO BE CONDUCTED and further, that this be the second and final reading. Motion Carried. B. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Meintsma to use a summary ordinance for publication as presented by City Attorney Kennedy. Motion Carried. 6. The City Council considered a resolution approving an agreement with MNDOT relating to a storm water retention pond. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: June 6, 1995 1382 RESOLUTION NO. 95-39 RESOLUTION APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH MNDOT RELATING TO STORM WATER RETENTION POND By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 7. The City Council considered the Abatement Order at 5416 - 34th Place. Don Powell, owner of the property, appeared and was heard. By common consent of the Council, staff was directed to proceed with the abatement order. 8. The City Council considered a resolution relating to solid waste disposal. Mark Stoltman of Randy's Sanitation appeared and was heard. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-40 RESOLUTION RELATING TO SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DECLARING AN INTENT TO ESTABLISH A SYSTEM OF ORGANIZED COLLECTION OF REFUSE, RECYCLABLES, YARD WASTE AND OTHER SOLID WASTE WITHIN THE CITY OF CRYSTAL By roll call and voting aye: Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 9. The City Council considered a position on the Crystal Airport Comprehensive Plan. Those appearing and heard were: Tim Anderson, Metropolitan Airports Commission Mark Ryan, Planner for Metropolitan Airports Commission Paul Weske, 5237 Louisiana Avenue North Larry Cassem, 4700 Orchard Avenue North June 6, 1995 1383 Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve the City's position on the Crystal Airport Long -Term Comprehensive Plan as presented in a memo from the Community Development Director dated June 1, 1995, and authorize staff to send it to the appropriate Metropolitan Airports Commission representatives. Motion Carried. The Mayor called a recess at 10:00 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at 10:10 p.m. 10. The City Council considered a letter from the City of Brooklyn Center requesting permission to have a water ski show on Middle Twin Lake at 1:00 p.m. on June 25, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to grant authorization to have a water ski show on Middle Twin Lake at 1:00 p.m. on June 25, 1995 as requested by the City of Brooklyn Park. Motion Carried. 11. The City Council considered a recommendation of reappointment of the present Charter Commission members for four year terms expiring May 15, 1999. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve a recommendation of the reappointment of Charter Commission members Arthur Cunningham, Paul Schulte, Gary Joselyn and Milton Dunham for four year terms expiring May 15, 1999. Motion Carried. 12. The City Council considered a resolution establishing dates for the 1995 Municipal Election. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-41 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING DATES FOR THE 1995 MUNICIPAL ELECTION 1 June 6, 1995 WHO By roll call and voting aye: Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 13. The City Council considered a resolution approving a lot split at 6616 and 6624 - 56th Avenue North. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-42 RESOLUTION APPROVING LOT SPLIT FOR PROPERTY TO BE PURCHASED BY THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL FROM KENNETH Y. FISCHMAN (6616 AND 6624 - 56TH AVENUE NORTH) By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 14. The City Council considered an agreement with SEH to provide staking and inspection services for Phase I, Winnetka Hills Street Rehabilitation Project. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-43 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE STAKING AND INSPECTION SERVICES, PHASE I STREET REHABILITATION (WINNETKA HILLS) By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 15. The City Council considered a letter received from Childrens Respiratory and Critical Care Specialists requesting unlimited parking privileges for medical emergency purposes at 4408 Yates Avenue North. June 6, 1995 1385 Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve a request from Childrens Respiratory and Critical Care Specialists for unlimited parking privileges for medical emergency purposes at 4408 Yates Avenue North for one year with annual renewal thereafter. Motion Carried. 16. The City Council considered Item No. 2 on the Consent Agenda relating to disbursements over $5,000. Verification was requested regarding February -April Task Force Personnel Charges and December & February Legal Expenses. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve Item No. 2 on the Consent Agenda relating to disbursements over $5,000. Motion Carried. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Peter E. Meintsma, Mayor ATTEST: Darlene George, City Olerk 1 June 20, 1995 1386 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on June 20, 1995, at 7:00 P.M. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Krueger, Langsdorf; those absent were: Herbes, Joselyn, Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Steve Peaslee, Planner; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of June 6, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of June 6, 1995. Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Approval to use funds donated by the Crystal Lions Club in the amount of $1,000 for the Adopt -A -Park kick-off event to be held June 21, 1995 at North Lions and Lions Valley Place Parks. 4. Approval to use donated funds, as follows for the July 4, 1995 celebration: $5,000 for fireworks; $800 for Entertainment; $200 for portable restrooms. S. Approval to use funds donated by the Crystal Lions Club in the amount of $2,000 for the purchase of additional uniform badges and equipment (flashlights, traffic direction cones, and miscellaneous uniform supplies) for the Crystal Police Reserve Program. June 20, 1995 1387 Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. OPEN FORUM 1. Tom Pyle, 5324 - 35th Avenue North appeared before the City Council on behalf of himself and the neighborhood residents to request that consideration of making 35th Avenue on the east side of Highway 100 a dead end street be placed on the July 5, 1995 City Council agenda. 2. Dale Hallstrom, 5901 - 29th Place North appeared before the City Council to voice concerns regarding construction in Bassett Creek Park and to request a sound barrier between the pond and the freeway. REGULAR AGENDA 1. The City Council considered a request from Steven Weisman of Steve O's, 4900 West Broadway, to have music, food and liquor outside during the Crystal Frolics weekend (July 28- 30, 1995). Mr. Weisman appeared and was heard. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve music in the parking lot until 10:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday evenings and until 9:00 p.m. on Sunday evening, and extending limits relating to the on -sale liquor license of Steve 0's of the licensed premises to include the outside area at 4900 West Broadway on July 28, 29 and 30, 1995 as requested by Steven Weisman. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered an application for a 3.2 beer stand license at Becker Park on July 4, 1995 as submitted by the Elk's Lodge #44, 5410 Lakeland Avenue North. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve authorization for issuance of a 3.2 beer stand license at Becker Park on July 4, 1995 as submitted by the Elk's Lodge #44, 5410 Lakeland Avenue North. Motion Carried. J 1 June 20, 1995 1388 3. The City Council considered a request from the Crystal Lions Club for authorization to have a public display of fireworks at Becker Park on July 4, 1995, and to close Bass Lake Road during the fireworks. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve authorization to have a public display of fireworks at Becker Park on July 4, 1995, contingent upon receipt of required proof of insurance, and to close Bass Lake Road during the fireworks. Motion Carried. 4. The City Council considered an application for a 3.2 beer stand license at Welcome Park on July 28, 29, and 30, 1995 as part of the Crystal Frolics, as requested by Elk's Lodge #44, 5410 Lakeland Avenue North. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve authorization for issuance of a 3.2 beer stand license to Elk's Lodge #44, 5410 Lakeland Avenue North at Welcome Park on July 28, 29, and 30, 1995 as part of the Crystal Frolics. Motion Carried. 5. The City Council considered a request from the Crystal Frolics Committee for authorization to (a) hold the Crystal Frolics parade on Sunday, July 30, 1995 from 1-3:30 p.m., beginning at Welcome Avenue, proceeding down West Broadway to Bass lake Road, and ending in MGM parking lot; (b) have a public display of fireworks at Becker Park on July 28, 1995 (alternate date July 29, 1995 in case of inclement weather); (c) close Bass Lake Road and Sherburne Avenue from Bass Lake Road to 55th Avenue during the fireworks display and (d) operate a carnival at Becker Park on July 27 through July 30, 1995. June 20, 1995 1389 Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve authorization to (a) hold the Crystal Frolics parade on Sunday, July 30, 1995 from 1-3:30 p.m., beginning at Welcome Avenue, proceeding down West Broadway to Bass Lake Road, and ending in the MGM parking lot; (b) hold a public display of fireworks at Becker Park on July 28, 1995 (alternate date July 29, 1995 in case of inclement weather) (c) close Bass Lake Road and Sherburne Avenue from Bass Lake Road to 55th Avenue North during the fireworks; and (d) operate a carnival at Becker Park on July 27 through July 30, 1995, contingent upon receipt of all proof of insurance requirements. Motion Carried. 6. The City Council considered no parking or parking on one side of the street on Brentwood and Elmhurst Avenues during the July 4th and Crystal Frolics public fireworks displays. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve parking on only the south side of Brentwood Avenue from Hampshire Avenue to Elmhurst Avenue, and on only the west side of Elmhurst Avenue from Bass Lake Road to Brentwood Avenue during the July 4th and Crystal Frolics public fireworks displays. Motion Carried. 7. The City Council considered applications for licenses (a) to sell on -sale liquor temporarily for three days, (b) to hold a carnival, and (c) to operate a 3.2 beer stand at 7301 Bass Lake Road on August 4, 5, and 6, 1995 for the annual festival as requested by St. Raphael's Church. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve authorization to (a) sell on -sale liquor temporarily for three days, (b) to hold a carnival, and (c) to operate a 3.2 beer stand at 7301 Bass Lake Road on August 4, 5, and 6, 1995 for the annual festival as requested by St. Raphael's Church. Motion Carried. 8. The City Council considered a site plan review and conditional use permit for indoor storage accessory to office use at 5421 Lakeside Avenue North as requested in Applications No. 95-8.3 and 95-8.4. June 20, 1995 1390 Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve authorization to (a) hold the Crystal Frolics parade on Sunday, July 30, 1995 from 1-3:30 p.m., beginning at Welcome Avenue, proceeding down West Broadway to Bass Lake Road, and ending in the MGM parking lot; (b) hold a public display of fireworks at Becker Park on July 28, 1995 (alternate date July 29, 1995 in case of inclement weather) (c) close Bass Lake Road and Sherburne Avenue from Bass Lake Road to 55th Avenue North during the fireworks; and (d) operate a carnival at Becker Park on July 27 through July 30, 1995, contingent upon receipt of all proof of insurance requirements. Motion Carried. 6. The City Council considered no parking or parking on one side of the street on Brentwood and Elmhurst Avenues during the July 4th and Crystal Frolics public fireworks displays. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve parking on only the south side of Brentwood Avenue from Hampshire Avenue to Elmhurst Avenue, and on only the west side of Elmhurst Avenue from Bass Lake Road to Brentwood Avenue during the July 4th and Crystal Frolics public fireworks displays. Motion Carried. 7. The City Council considered applications for licenses (a) to sell on -sale liquor temporarily for three days, (b) to hold a carnival, and (c) to operate a 3.2 beer stand at 7301 Bass Lake Road on August 4, 5, and 6, 1995 for the annual festival as requested by St. Raphael's Church. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve authorization to (a) sell on -sale liquor temporarily for three days, (b) to hold a carnival, and (c) to operate a 3.2 beer stand at 7301 Bass Lake Road on August 4, 5, and 6, 1995 for the annual festival as requested by St. Raphael's Church. Motion Carried. 8. The City Council considered a site plan review and conditional use permit for indoor storage accessory to June 20, 1995 office use at 5421 Lakeside Avenue North as requested in Applications No. 95-8.3 and 95-8.4. 1391 Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve as recommended by and based on the findings of fact of the Planning Commission, site plan review and a conditional use permit to allow indoor storage as an accessory to the office in a B-4 (Community Commercial) District (Section 515.37, Subd. 4 g) at 5421 Lakeside Avenue North. Motion Carried. 9. The City Council considered a resolution relating to a proposed plat of Superamerica 3rd Addition, 5353 West Broadway as requested in Application No. 95-6.8. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-44 RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF SUPERAMERICA 3RD ADDITION By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Krueger, Langsdorf; absent, not voting: Joselyn, Herbes, Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 10. The City Council considered a resolution relating to a lot split at 6043 Florida Avenue North as requested in Application No. 94-24.8. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-45 June 20, 1995 1392 RESOLUTION APPROVING LOT SPLIT FOR PROPERTY AT 6043 FLORIDA AVENUE NORTH By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Krueger, Langsdorf, Anderson; absent, not voting: Joselyn, Herbes, Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 11. The City Council considered a resolution relating to an Application for One -Day Off -Site Lawful Gambling at Becker Park on July 28, 1995 for the Crystal Frolics as submitted by the Crystal Lions Club. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-46 RESOLUTION RELATING TO LAWFUL GAMBLING: APPROVING CERTAIN PREMISES PERMITS By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Langsdorf, Anderson, Grimes; absent, not voting: Joselyn, Herbes, Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. 7 Pauline Langsdorf, Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: June 20, 1995 Darlene George, Citj Clerk 1393 1 June 22, 1995 1394 Pursuant to due call and notice given in the manner prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, Work Session of the Crystal City Council was held on June 22, 1995, 7:00 p.m., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf; those absent were: Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Laura Kushner, Assistant City Manager; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Jim Otto, Finance Director; James Mossey, Police Chief; Gene Hackett, Recreation Director; Rick Gautsch, Police Lieutenant; Steve Longaeker, Assistant Fire Chief 1. Loren Lemke and Jim Stark of The Metropolitan Mosquito Control appeared to discuss the organization's function. 2. The City Council discussed changes in the firefighter pension program. 3. The City Council discussed the City's voice mail system. 4. The City Council discussed the City Ordinance as it relates to charitable gambling. 5. The City Council discussed administrative code enforcement. 6. The City Council discussed an amendment to the financial policies relating to essential services. 7. The City Council discussed the July work session. Consensus was to cancel the July work session. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adjourn the work session. Motion Carried. The Work Session adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Pauline Langsdar E, MVor Pro ;tem June 22, 1995 1395 ATTEST: Anne $orris, Ckmmunity Development Director 1 July 5, 1995 1396 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on July 5, 1995, at 7:00 P.M. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Meintsma; those absent were: Langsdorf. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Steve Peaslee, Planner; Jim Mossey, Police Chief; Craig Thomseth, Police Lieutenant; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of June 20, 1995 and the Council Work Session of June 22, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of June 20, 1995 and the Council Work Session of June 22, 1995. Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Approval of a Solicitation Permit for Clean Water Action, 326 E. Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN., to solicit in Crystal from July 1 through July 30, 1995. 4. Approval of a request from Phillip L. Eder of the Iron Horse, for authorization to permit live music and the serving of hot dogs, bratwurst, polish sausage; and the July 5, 1995 1397 extension of limits relating to the on -sale liquor license of The Iron Horse of the licensed premises to include the parking lot at 5630 Lakeland Avenue North from 2:00-10:00 p.m. on July 4, 1995. (Council was individually polled via telephone prior to the event). 5. Approval for Fire Department use of donated funds for carpet and the work at the North Fire Station. Mayor Meintsma removed Item 4 of the Consent Agenda for discussion. This item is moved to the end of the Regular Agenda. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve Items 1, 2, 3 and 5 on the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. OPEN FORUM 1. Ed Thonander, 5409 - 53rd Avenue North, President of Crystal Lions Club, appeared before the Council regarding the July 4th fireworks display, to thank city staff for the cooperation received, and to present the 1994-95 Crystal Frolics royalty, who each introduced themselves to the City Council. REGULAR AGENDA 1. The City Council considered an amendment to the bylaws of the Crystal Fire Relief Association relating to pension benefits. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve bylaws of the Crystal Fire Relief Association which have been revised to accomplish the change from a defined benefit pension plan to a defined contribution pension plan and to also reflect changes of payments to the retirees, as presented by Crystal Firefighters Relief Association President Steve Longaeker. Motion Carried. July 5, 1995 1398 2. Ann Andersen of the City Celebration Committee regarding honoring Crystal residents appeared before the Council to report on the work of the committee thus far. The committee consists of five couples (Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Lundquist, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Irving, Mr. and Mrs. Don Andersen, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Plasencia and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Troy). Those committee members in attendance were introduced. The tentative dates for the event are October 5 or October 19, 1996. 3. The City Council considered a request from Kevitt Excavating for a conditional use permit to allow storing fill in an I-2 (Heavy Industrial) District at 3335 Pennsylvania Avenue North. Scott Kevitt, applicant and his attorney Bob Miller appeared. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to approve as recommended by and based on the findings of fact of the Planning Commission, Application #95-7.3 for a site plan review and Application #95-7.4 for a conditional use permit to allow storing fill in an I-2 (Heavy Industrial) District (Section 515.37, Subd. 4 b) at 3335 Pennsylvania Avenue North. Motion Carried. 4. The City Council considered a request from Thomas Pyle, 5324 - 35th Avenue North to make 35th Avenue on the east side of Highway 100 a Dead End. Mr. Pyle appeared and was heard. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to continue until July 18, 1995, the discussion of making 35th Avenue on the east side of Highway 100 a Dead End. Motion Carried. 5. The City Council considered a resolution approving PIR expenditure for the purchase of digital keypad entry system for the Police Department. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: July 5, 1995 1399 RESOLUTION NO. 95-47 RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR PURCHASE OF DIGITAL KEYPAD ENTRY SYSTEM FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Meintsma; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 6. City Manager Jerry Dulgar gave a report of the Highway 100 Council's meeting and the possible request for support of a petition. The meeting was rescheduled for July 14, 1995. The Council will receive an update after that meeting. 7. The City Council considered a request from Allan Coffin, Crystal Lions' Gambling Manager, to donate $3,500 to the Crystal Aviation Association. Ed Thonander, President of the Crystal Lions Club, appeared to request the item be removed from the agenda. No action was taken. 8. The City Council considered a resolution approving PIR expenditure for replacement of fence at the Municipal Pool and backstops at city parks. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-48 RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR REPLACEMENT OF FENCE AT POOL AND BACKSTOPS AT PARKS By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Meintsma, Anderson; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. July 5, 1995 1400 9. The City Council considered setting 7:00 p.m. on August 10 and August 17, 1995 as the time and dates for the 1995 budget work sessions. By common consent the City Council set 7:00 p.m. on August 10 and August 17, 1995 as the time and dates for the 1995 Budget work sessions. 10. The City Council considered a resolution approving special legislation for Housing Replacement Program. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-49 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SPECIAL LAWS AUTHORIZING THE CREATION AND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A HOUSING REPLACEMENT PROGRAM By roll call and voting aye: Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 11. The City Council considered a resolution approving Fire Department expenditure for repair work on Mack aerial fire truck. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-50 RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR REPAIR OF MACK AERIAL FIRE TRUCK By roll call and voting aye: Joselyn, Krueger, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. July 5, 1995 1401 12. The City Council discussed Item #4 on the Consent Agenda. Bill Kusske, 6500 Brentwood Avenue North appeared to voice concerns created by outside band music being played at the Iron Horse, 5630 Lakeland Avenue North on July 4, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to ratify action taken on Item #4 of the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. PeterE. Meintsa, Mayor ATTEST: n Darlene George, Cit Clerk July 18, 1995 1402 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on July 18, 1995, at 7:00 P.M. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma (arrived at 7:25 p.m.); those absent were: Joselyn. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Stephen Bubul, City Attorney's Office; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Steve Peaslee, Planner; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Darlene George, City Clerk. In the mayor's absence, Mayor Pro Tem Langsdorf led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Mayor Pro Tem acknowledged a donation in the amount of $10,000 from the Crystal Lions Club to be used for the purchase of Police Reserve equipment. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of July 5, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of July 5, 1995. Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Acceptance of the quarterly investment report as of June 30, 1995 as submitted by the Finance Director. 4. Acceptance of the quarterly expenditure report as of June 30, 1995 as submitted by the Finance Director. 5. Approval of authorization to release the remaining surety held for site improvements for Mattress Liquidators Project, 6220-6244 - 56th Avenue North. July 18, 1995 1403 Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. REGULAR AGENDA 1. The City Council considered the application for appointment to the Human Rights Commission of Diane Bolter, 3225 Yates Avenue North for an unexpired term expiring December 31, 1997. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to appoint Diane Bolter, 3225 Yates Avenue North to the Human Rights Commission for an unexpired term expiring December 31, 1997. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered a request from Tom Stuart of Main Event, 5216 West Broadway, to have a band and beer tent outside on July 29-30, 1995 from 2:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Brett Bacon, representing Main Event, appeared and was heard. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve a request to have a live band outside and to extend limits relating to the on -sale liquor license of the Main Event of the licensed premises to include the outside area at 5216 West Broadway on July 29 and 30, 1995 from 2:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m., as requested by Tom Stuart. Motion Carried. 3. The City Council considered a variance of 2 feet in the required 30 foot front yard setback to permit a walk-in bay window at 4749 Xenia Avenue North as requested by PEM Millwork for Robert and Jean Lynch. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve as recommended by and based on the findings of fact of the Planning Commission) the authorization pursuant to Section 515.56 of the Crystal City Code, to vary or modify the strict application of Section 515.13, Subd. 5 a) to grant a variance of 2 ft. in the required 30 ft. front yard setback for a walk-in bay window with a 75" width and a projection of 24" on the existing house, at 4749 Xenia Avenue North, as requested in July 18, 1995 1404 Application *95-9.9 of PEM Millwork for Robert and Jean Lynch, 4749 Xenia Avenue North. Motion Carried. 4. The City Council considered a variance of approximately 8.5 feet in the required setback of 67.5 feet (the rear half of a lot) for a detached garage at 3126 Hampshire Avenue North, as requested by Tim and Karen Buck in Application 495-10.9. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve as recommended by and based on the findings of fact of the Planning Commission the authorization pursuant to Section 515.56 of the Crystal City Code, to vary or modify the strict application of Section 515.07, Subd. 5 c) 1) to grant a variance to encroach in the front half of the lot for a 24' x 26' detached garage at 3126 Hampshire Avenue North, as requested in Application #95.10.9 of Tim and Karen Buck, 3126 Hampshire Avenue North. Motion Carried. Mayor Meintsma arrived and assumed the chair (7:25 p.m.). S. The City Council considered an application for license to operate a 3.2 beerstand at Becker Park from July 27 through July 30, 1995 for the Crystal Frolics, as submitted by Dan Antrim for the Crystal Firefighters Relief Association. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve authorization to issue a license to operate a 3.2 beerstand at Becker Park from July 27 through July 30, 1995 as submitted by Dan Antrim for the Crystal Firefighters Relief Association. Motion Carried. 6. The City Council continued consideration of a request from Thomas Pyle, 5324 - 35th Avenue North to make 35th Avenue on the east side of Highway 100 a Dead End. The Public Works Director requested the Council defer this item to allow additional time for traffic counts in the area. Thomas Pyle, 5324 - 35th Avenue North and Rodney James, 5417 - 35th Avenue North appeared and were heard. July 18, 1995 1405 Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to continue discussion of making 35th Avenue on the east side of Highway 100 a Dead End, to the August 2, 1995 City Council meeting. Motion Carried. 7. The City Council considered a resolution ordering a feasibility study for Phase 2 of the South Crystal Street Rehabilitation Project and to retain SEH, Incorporated to conduct the study. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-51 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR STREET REHABILITATION IN STUDY AREA 2, EAST OF LOUISIANA AVENUE NORTH AND SOUTH OF 32ND AVENUE NORTH By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma; absent, not voting: Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 8. The City Council discussed the Bassett Creek Park design change which was initiated due to concerns of residents in the area. 9. The City Council considered a resolution appointing persons to act as Deputy City Clerk. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-52 RESOLUTION RELATING TO ADMINISTRATION OF CITY GOVERNMENT: APPOINTING PERSONS TO ACT AS DEPUTY CITY CLERK July 18, 1995 X11 By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson; absent, not voting: Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 10. The City Council discussed Election Laws, Chapter 646, relating to a uniform election date. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve authorization for the City Attorney to seek an attorney general opinion regarding Crystal's compliance with the uniform election day laws, Chapter 646, and direct staff to prepare transition alternatives for both odd and even year elections, while we await the attorney general's opinion. By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson; voting no: Krueger; absent, not voting: Joselyn. Motion Carried. 11. The City Council considered a resolution approving participation in the Narcotics Control Program in the year 1996. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-53 RESOLUTION RELATING TO CITY PARTICIPATION IN THE NARCOTICS CONTROL PROGRAM By roll call and voting aye: Herbes, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes; absent, not voting: Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. July 18, 1995 1407 Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Peter E. ei , Mayor ATTEST: Darlene George, City Jerk 1 August 2, 1995 ,W Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on August 2, 1995, at 7:00 P.M. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Meintsma; those absent were: Langsdorf. Also in attendance were the following staff members: David Kennedy, City Attorney; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Tom Mathisen, Public Works Director; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of July 18, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of July 18, 1995. Motion Carried. The City Council considered the following items on the Consent Agenda: CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Approval of the designation of election judges and polling locations for the September 12, 1995 Municipal Primary Election as submitted in a list by the City Clerk. 4. Acceptance of site improvements and authorization to release final surety in the amount of $100,000 for Superamerica, 5359 West Broadway. 5. Acceptance of site improvements and authorization to release final surety in the amount of $12,750 for Chalet Liquor, 5109 - 36th Avenue North. 6. Approval of a request from V.F.W. Post 4494, 5222 - 56th Avenue North, for authorization to have live music from 1-5 August 2, 1995 1409 p.m. and to extend limits relating to the on -sale liquor license of the licensed premises to include the east parking lot from 12:00 noon until 6:00 p.m. on August 20, 1995 for an annual corn feed. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. REGULAR AGENDA 1. The City Council considered a resolution authorizing the sale of Tax Increment Financing Bonds. Bob Thistle of Springsted, Incorporated appeared and was heard. A. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-54 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF $1,520,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT BONDS, SERIES 1995B By roll call and voting aye: Herbes, Joselyn, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes; voting no: Krueger; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. B. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-55 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF $1,295,000 TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT BONDS, SERIES 1995C By roll call and voting aye: Joselyn, Krueger, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. August 2, 1995 1410 2. The City Council continued consideration of a request from Thomas Pyle, 5324 - 35th Avenue North to make 35th Avenue on the east side of Highway 100 a Dead End street. Those appearing and heard were: Sue and Rodney James, 5417 - 35th Avenue and Thomas Pyle, 5324 - 35th Avenue North. No action was taken. Staff will work with residents in the area on possible alternatives such as signage, etc. 3. The City Council considered a resolution awarding a contract for the 1995 Sealcoat Project No. 95-2. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-56 RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONTRACT FOR 1995 SEALCOAT PROJECT NO. 95-2 By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 4. The City Council considered a resolution authorizing execution of Subrecipient Agreement with Hennepin County for Community Development Block Grant Funds. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-57 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR 1995 (YEAR XXI) URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM By roll call and voting aye: Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 5. The City Council considered setting a time and date for a Special Meeting at which time the City Council will canvass the votes of the 1995 City Primary Election. August 2, 1995 1411 Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to set 5:00 p.m. on September 13, 1995 as the date and time for a Special Meeting at which time the City Council will canvass the votes of the 1995 City Primary Election. Motion Carried. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Pieter E. Meintsma, Mayor ATTEST: Darlene George, Cit Clerk n j August 10, 1995 1412 Pursuant to due call and notice given in the manner prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, a Work Session of the Crystal City Council was held on August 10, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma; those absent were: Herbes. Staff members in attendance were: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Laura Kushner, Assistant City Manager; James Mossey, Police Chief; Tom Mathisen, Public Works Director; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; James Otto, Finance Director; Kevin McGinty, Fire Chief; Sarah Porter, Accountant; Rick Gautsch and Craig Thomseth, Police Lieutenants; Darlene George, City Clerk. Also in attendance were the following members of the Financial Advisory Commission: Brian Schneider, Phil Karno, David Larson, Tom Kummeth. 1. The City Council discussed the 1996 City of Crystal Budget. Those residents appearing and heard were: Howard Olson, 3148 Utah Avenue North. The twenty year budget projection was discussed. The following departments were reviewed: Department 10, Mayor and Council Department 11, Administration Department 12, Assessing Department 13, Finance Department 14, City Buildings Department 15, Police Department 16, Fire Department 17, Building Inspections Department 18, Civil Defense Department 19, Engineering Department 20, Street Maintenance The Work Session adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Peter E. Meintsma; Mayor ATTEST: z iL Darlene George, City Clerk August 15, 1995 1413 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on August 15, 1995, at 7:00 P.M. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma; those absent were: Joselyn. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Jim Mossey, Police Chief; Marcia Holmberg, Forester; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Mayor presented awards to winners of the 1995 Landscape and Garden Contest, and recognized various planting volunteers. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of August 2, 1995 and the Work Session of August 10, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of August 2, 1995 and the Work Session of August 10, 1995. Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Acceptance of site improvements and authorization to release final surety in the amount of $30,000 for Boston Market, 6800 - 56th Avenue North. 4. Acceptance of site improvements and authorization to release final surety in the amount of $18,750 for Kevitt Excavating, 3335 Pennsylvania Avenue North. August 15, 1995 1414 Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. OPEN FORUM 1. Don Sexter, 2937 Idaho Avenue North appeared before the City Council to voice concerns regarding the need for Phase 2 of the South Crystal Street Rehabilitation Project. 2. Walter Romashko, 8008 - 35th Avenue North appeared before the City Council to voice concerns regarding the length of time Phase 1 of the South Crystal Street Rehabilitation Project was taking. REGULAR AGENDA 1. The City Council considered a request from Mary McQuisten, 4742 Yates Avenue North for a variance or an ordinance amendment to harbor a monkey in a residential district. Moved by Councilmember Anderson to deny a request from Mary McQuisten, 4742 Yates Avenue North to harbor a monkey in a residential district. Motion failed for lack of a second. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to continue until September 5, 1995 the discussion of a request from Mary McQuisten, 4742 Yates Avenue North to harbor a monkey in a residential district, and direct staff to provide the council with a report from the animal warden. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered a resolution for participation in and coordination of a Joint Agency 1995-96 Safe & Sober Traffic Law Enforcement Project. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: August 15, 1995 1415 RESOLUTION NO. 95-58 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF THE GRANT APPLICATION AND EXECUTION OF THE AGREEMENT NORTHWEST SUBURBAN SAFE & SOBER TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROJECT By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma; absent, not voting: Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 3. The City Council considered an amended and restated contract for legal services as submitted by City Attorney David J. Kennedy. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve an amended and restated contract for legal services as submitted by City Attorney David J. Kennedy, and further, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign such agreement. Motion Carried. 4. The City Council considered a resolution relating to building permit fees, amending Appendix IV of the Crystal City Code. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-59 RESOLUTION RELATING TO FEES AND CHARGES: AMENDING APPENDIX IV TO THE CITY CODE By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson; absent, not voting: Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 5. The City Council considered the first reading of an ordinance amendment to adopt the 1995 Minnesota State Building Code by reference. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following ordinance: August 15, 1995 1416 ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CITY GOVERNMENT: STATE BUILDING CODE: STATUTORY REFERENCES: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SECTIONS 400.01, 415.01, 415.05 AND 100.07: REPEALING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SUBSECTION 400.01, SUBDIVISION 1 and further, that the second and final reading be held on September 5, 1995. Motion Carried. 6. The City Council discussed proposals for changes to the National Municipal Policy to be considered at the 1995 National League of Cities Congress of Cities in November. No action was taken. 7. The City Council discussed setting a time and date for a work session to discuss Phase 2 of the South Crystal Street Rehabilitation Project. The City Council, by consensus, set September 5, 1995 immediately following the regular city council meeting as the date at which time the Crystal City Council will conduct a work session to discuss Phase 2 of the South Crystal Street Rehabilitation Project, with 7:00 p.m. on September 14, 1995 being set as an alternate date in the event the regular city council meeting has a large agenda. Motion Carried. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Peter E. Mein Motion Carried. Lsma, Mayor August 15, 1995 1417 ATTEST: Darlene George, ity Clerk 1 1 August 17, 1995 1418 Pursuant to due call and notice given in the manner prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, a Work Session of the Crystal City Council was held on August 17, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma; those absent were: Herbes, Joselyn. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Laura Kushner, Assistant City Manager; James Mossey, Police Chief; Tom Mathisen, Public Works Director; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Gene Hackett, Recreation Director; Kevin McGinty, Fire Chief; Sarah Porter, Accountant; Darlene George, City Clerk. Also in attendance were the following members of the Financial Advisory Commission: Ann Andersen, Brian Schneider, Damon Kenton, Phil Karno. 1. The City Council discussed the 1996 City of Crystal Budget. The following departments were reviewed: Department 21, Parks Maintenance Department 25, Recreation Department 26, Health Department 27, Human Resources Department 28, Legal Department 29, Elections Department 30, Housing Inspections Department 33, Community Center Department 34, Forestry Department 36, Planning & Code Enforcement Fund 294, Economic Development Authority The Short Term Capital Budget was discussed. The Work Session adjourned at 9:02 p.m. ATTEST: k ,4L Darlene George, Cit Clerk Peter E. Meintsma, Mayor September 5, 1995 1419 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on September 5, 1995, at 7:00 P.M. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Meintsma; those absent were: Langsdorf. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Tom Mathisen, Public Works Director; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Steve Peaslee, Planner; Sarah Porter, Accountant; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Mayor proclaimed September 17, 1995 as Citizenship Day and the week of September 17-23, 1995 as Constitution Week in the City of Crystal. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of August 15, 1995 and the Work Session of August 17, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of August 15, 1995 and the Work Session of August 17, 1995. Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. September 5, 1995 1420 OPEN FORUM 1. Fred Huddleson, 3013 Aquila Avenue North and Claire Barnard, 3006 Aquila Avenue North appeared before the Council to voice concerns regarding the contractor's completion of work on Phase 1 of the South Crystal Street Rehabilitation Project. 2. James Einfeldt Brown, 5313 Hampshire Avenue North, Chair of the Human Rights Commission, appeared before the Council to inform Council, staff, and the public about Human Rights Day, October 21, 1995 from 12 Noon to 3:00 p.m. at the Crystal Community Center with Shiela Wellstone as guest speaker. 3. Mary and Hugh Atkinson, 5550 Toledo Avenue North and Joe Peterson (lives across the street), appeared before the Council to voice concerns about drug and gang activity at the apartment buildings located at 5121, 5111, 5211 and 5201 Bass Lake Road. REGULAR AGENDA 1. The City Council considered a resolution awarding the sale of $1,520,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 1995B. Al Erickson of Springsted, Incorporated appeared and was heard. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-60 A RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SALE OF $1,520,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT BONDS, SERIES 1995b; FIXING THEIR FORM AND SPECIFICATIONS; DIRECTING THEIR EXECUTION AND DELIVERY; AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAYMENT By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Meintsma; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 2. The City Council considered a resolution awarding the sale of $1,295,000 Taxable General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1995C. September 5, 1995 1421 Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-61 A RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SALE OF $1,295,000 TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT BONDS, SERIES 1995C; FIXING THEIR FORM AND SPECIFICATIONS; DIRECTING THEIR EXECUTION AND DELIVERY; AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAYMENT By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Meintsma, Anderson; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 3. The City Council continued consideration of a request from Mary McQuisten, 4742 Yates Avenue North for an ordinance amendment or variance to allow a monkey to be kept in a residential area. Those appearing and heard were Mary and Katie McQuisten and John Dahley, friend of the McQuistens. No action was taken. 4. The City Council considered a variance to allow two existing curb cuts at 6619 - 31st Avenue North as requested by Daniel and Dahlia Clifton. Gary Gandrud, 90 South 7th Street #2500, attorney for the Cliftons, appeared and was heard. Moved by Councilmember Herbes to permit pavement of the existing driveway at 6619 - 31st Avenue North. Motion failed for lack of a second. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to find the driveway a non -conforming use and direct staff to issue a permit to surface the driveway. The Mayor ruled the motion out of order. 5. The City Council considered a variance to front and side yard setbacks to construct a 24' x 24' detached garage at 4241 Adair Avenue North as requested by Patrick Gadbois. Patrick Gadbois appeared and was heard. September 5, 1995 1422 Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve as recommended by and based on the findings of fact of the Planning Commission (with the exception of Item #4 of the findings of hardship which shall be stricken as recommended by the City Manager), authorization pursuant to Section 515.56 of the Crystal City Code, to vary or modify the strict application of Section 515.13, Subd. 3a) 2) iii) granting a variance of 7 ft. in the front yard of the required 64 ft. setback and 11 ft. in the side street side yard of the required 30 ft. setback to construct a 24' x 24' detached garage at 4241 Adair Avenue North, as requested in Application 495-11.9 of Patrick Gadbois. Motion Carried. 6. The City Council considered the first reading of an ordinance amending Section 515.13, Subd. 5a) of the Zoning Code relating to bay windows encroaching in the front yard setback. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO STRUCTURES IN FRONT YARDS: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE (APPENDIX I -ZONING), SUBSECTION 515.13, SUBDIVISION 5a) and further, that the second and final reading be held on September 19, 1995. Motion Carried 7. The City Council discussed a request from the City of New Hope for financial help for building and operating a second sheet of ice at the New Hope Ice Arena. No action was taken. 8. The City Council considered the second reading of an ordinance amendment to adopt the 1995 Minnesota State Building Code by reference. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following ordinance: September 5, 1995 ORDINANCE NO. 95-12 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CITY GOVERNMENT: STATE BUILDING CODE: STATUTORY REFERENCES: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SECTIONS 400.01, 415.01, 415.05 AND 100.07: REPEALING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SUBSECTION 400.01, SUBDIVISION 1 and further, that this be the second and final reading. 1423 Motion Carried. 9. The City Council considered setting the time and date for the Truth in Taxation hearings. Moved and Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to set 7:00 p.m. on December 5, 1995 as the date and time for the Truth In Taxation Hearing and 7:00 p.m. on December 13, 1995 for a reconvened hearing if necessary. Motion Carried. 10. The City Council considered a resolution authorizing funds from the PIR Fund for the purchase of a 52" mower for the Parks Department. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-62 A RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR PURCHASE OF PARKS DEPARTMENT LAWN MOWER By roll call and voting aye: Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 11. The City Council considered a resolution authorizing funds from the PIR fund and awarding a contract to paint Becker Park Pavilion. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: September 5, 1995 1424 RESOLUTION NO. 95-63 A RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR PAINTING OF BECKER PARK PAVILION By roll call and voting aye: Joselyn, Krueger, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 12. The City Council considered a resolution authorizing the preparation of plans and specifications and advertisement for bids to resurface four tennis courts at Welcome and North Lions Parks. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-64 A RESOLUTION APPROVING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR TENNIS COURT RESURFACING By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 13. The City Council considered an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation for maintenance of a traffic signal on 36th Avenue North at Cub Foods. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-64A RESOLUTION APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH MNDOT FOR MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL By roll call and voting aye: Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 14. The City Council considered a resolution adopting the proposed 1996 Budget. September 5, 1995 1425 Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-65 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A PROPOSED BUDGET AND PROPOSING TAX LEVIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH THE `TRUTH IN TAXATION" LAW Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to amend the resolution to add an amount to support the addition of a COPS FAST police officer. By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes, Anderson; voting no: Joselyn, Krueger, Meintsma; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Tie vote - motion failed. Voting on the original motion, voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Meintsma; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion Carried. 15. The City Council considered a resolution adopting the proposed 1996 tax levy. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-66 A RESOLUTION CANCELLING DEBT SERVICE TAX LEVIES By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Meintsma, Anderson; absent, not voting: Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 16. The City Council considered the First Reading of an ordinance relating to assessment of unpaid utilities charges. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following ordinance: C 1 11 September 5, 1995 1426 ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO UTILITIES: ASSESSMENT OF UNPAID CHARGES: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE BY ADDING A SECTION and further, that the second and final reading be held on September 19, 1995. Motion Carried. 17. The City Council considered the designation of a voting and alternate voting delegate to represent the City of Crystal at the National League of Cities Congress of Cities held in Phoenix, Arizona November 29 -December 2, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to designate Mayor Meintsma as the voting delegate and Councilmember Grimes as the alternate voting delegate to represent the City of Crystal at the National League of Cities Congress of Cities held in Phoenix, Arizona November 20 through December 2, 1995. Motion Carried. 18. The City Council discussed the evaluation of performance of the City Manager. At 10:05 p.m. Mayor Meintsma announced that the City Council would recess to go into Executive Session to discuss the evaluation of performance of the City Manager. At 11:00 p.m. Mayor Meintsma announced the recess had ended which was called for the purpose of an executive session for the Council to discuss some matters on the performance evaluation of the City Manager for the purpose of writing a full report from the city council which will be delivered to the city manager, and then the city council will have another deliberation with the city manager in an executive session about that performance review. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. September 5, 1995 1427 1. The City Council considered changing the date of its work session which was scheduled for September 14, 1995. By consensus the Council set September 19, 1995, immediately following the regularly scheduled council meeting as the date and time for a work session to discuss Phase 2 of the South Crystal Street Rehabilitation Project. Meeting adjourned at 11:05 p.m. Peter E. Nteinma, Mayor ATTEST: LI�I Darlene George, Citt Clerk 1 September 13, 1995 1428 Pursuant to due call and notice given in the manner prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, a Special Meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on September 13, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Meintsma; those absent were: Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. The City Council considered a resolution canvassing the vote the results of the Primary Municipal Election of September 12, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-67 RESOLUTION CANVASSING THE VOTE AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE PRIMARY MUNICIPAL ELECTION By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Meintsma; absent, not voting: Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:06 p.m. -Peter E. Meintsma,-Mayor ATTEST: Darlene George, City Clerk September 19, 1995 1429 September 19, 1995 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on September 19, 1995, at 7:00 P.M. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: David Kennedy, City Attorney; Tom Mathisen, Public Works Director; Anne Norris, Community Development Director; James Mossey, Police Chief; David Bordwell and Ken Varnold, Police Officers; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Mayor introduced Sergeant David Corrigan and Constables Brian McDonald and Steven Ellis from Greater Manchester Police Department. The New Hope and Crystal Police Departments are hosting these police officers as part of the European Exchange Program. History books, a police uniform, police badge, a video, and a plaque were presented to the City of Crystal from the Greater Manchester Police Department. The Mayor acknowledged a donation of $6,000 to the Fire Department from the Crystal Fire Relief Association. The Mayor requested council approval to add an item to the agenda regarding city council salaries. Moved by Councilmember Anderson Langsforf to add an item to the to city council salaries. and seconded by Councilmember regular council agenda relating By roll call and voting aye: Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes; voting no: Herbes. Motion Carried. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of September 5, 1995 and the Special City Council meeting of September 13, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of September 5, 1995 and the Special City Council meeting of September 13, 1995. Motion Carried. LJ September 19, 1995 1430 CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Acceptance of the 1996 Hennepin Recycling Group (HRG) Budget. 4. Acceptance of the resignation of James A. Kraker, 4913 Vera Cruz Avenue North from the Tri -City Airport Commission upon appointment of his replacement. S. Approval to use donated funds for Fire Prevention Week Activities and Open House. 6. Approval of a 1 to 3 day temporary on -sale liquor license for Knights of Columbus #3656, 4947 West Broadway on October 31, 1995 for an annual Ladies Auxiliary style show. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. It being 7:00 p.m. or as soon after as the matter may be heard, Mayor Meintsma declared this was the time and date as advertised for a public hearing at which time the City Council will consider adoption and approval of a Housing Replacement Plan. No one appeared. The Mayor closed the public hearing. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-68 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING A HOUSING REPLACEMENT DISTRICT PLAN AND CREATING HOUSING REPLACEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 September 19, 1995 1431 By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. OPEN FORUM 1. Carol Larson, 8767 North Maplebrook Circle, Brooklyn Park (representing parents who are Crystal residents) and Junior Larson, 4824 - 56th Avenue North appeared before the city council to voice concerns regarding vandalism and loitering on property located at 4912 - 56th Avenue North. City staff is monitoring the property and will continue to do so. REGULAR AGENDA 1. The City Council considered a resolution approving 1996 PIR expenditure for purchase of marked police cars. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-69 RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR PURCHASE OF MARKED POLICE CARS By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 2. The City Council considered a resolution approving 1995 PIR expenditure for Phase II, Hydraulic repair work on the Fire Department Aerial truck. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-70 RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR HYDRAULIC REPAIR OF MACK AERIAL FIRE TRUCK September 19, 1995 1432 By roll call and voting aye: Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 3. The City Council considered the Second Reading of an ordinance relating to bay windows. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95-13 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO STRUCTURES IN FRONT YARDS: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE (APPENDIX I - ZONING), SUBSECTION 515.13, SUBDIVISION 5 a) and further, that this be the second and final reading. Motion Carried. 4. The City Council considered and Second Reading of an ordinance relating to the assessment of unpaid utilities. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95-14 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO UTILITIES: ASSESSMENT OF UNPAID CHARGES: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE BY ADDING A SECTION and further, that this be the second and final reading. Motion Carried. 5. The City Council considered a resolution ordering preparation of assessment roll and a resolution ordering assessment hearing for sanitary sewer repair and driveways in Phase 1 of the South Crystal Street Rehabilitation Project (Winnetka Hills). A. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: September 19, 1995 RESOLUTION NO. 95-71 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. 1433 1, Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. B. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-72 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 6. The City Council considered salaries for the mayor and councilmembers and a First Reading of an ordinance for the purpose of setting a policy for salary increases for councilmembers. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Mayor Meintsma to adopt the following ordinance based upon recommendations 1, 2 and 3 in the mayor's memo to the city council dated September 5, 1995. ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SECTION 210 and further, that the second and final reading be held on October 2, 1995. By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Joselyn, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson; voting no: Herbes, Krueger. Motion Carried. September 19, 1995 1434 Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. ATTEST: C; Darlene George, Citly Clerk 1 Motion Carried. September 19, 1995 1435 Pursuant to due call and notice given in the manner prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, a work session of the Crystal City Council was held on September 19, 1995 at 8:18 p.m. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. Those present were: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Tom Mathisen, Public Works Director; Anne Norris, Community Development Director. 1. The City Council discussed Phase 2 of the South Crystal Street Rehabilitation Project. Tom Mathisen, Public Works Director, and Scott Harri of SEH, Incorporated, gave a recap of Phase 1 and introduced Phase 2 of the South Crystal Street Rehabilitation Project. It is proposed to replace all "D" curb which has approximately one half life left so it would be assessed at half of the full rate. Proposed properties on Louisiana would pay actual cost due to previous state aid work and assessment in 1977. Proposed unit assessment equals $2,970 per parcel. City parks would not be assessed directly. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adjourn the work session. Motion Carried. Work session adjourned at 9:54 p.m. G?,ztL koe4� Peter E. Meint , Mayor ATTEST: Tom Mathisen, Public Works Director L 1 October 2, 1995 1436 Pursuant to due call and notice given in the manner prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, the Special Council Meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on October 2, 1995, 6:35 p.m., at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following councilmembers were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. The Mayor announced a Closed Executive Session was being held to discuss the city manager's performance evaluation and 1995 salary. The Mayor adjourned the Executive Session at 6:55 p.m. ATTEST: David Anderson, Acting Secretary 1 October 2, 1995 1437 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on October 2, 1995, at 7:00 P.M. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following councilmembers were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf; absent: Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Tom Mathisen, Public Works Director; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Janice Scofield, Acting Secretary. The Mayor Pro -tem led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of September 19, 1995 and the Work Session of September 19, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of September 19, 1995 and the Work Session of September 19, 1995. Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Acceptance of the designation of election judges and polling locations for the November 7, 1995 Municipal General Election as submitted in a list by the City Clerk. 4. Acceptance of a solicitor's permit for Citizens for a Better Environment, 3255 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, to solicit in Crystal the month of October 1995. S. Approval of 1995 audit to be completed by Boeckermann Heinen & Mayer, Certified Public Accountants. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. 1 October 2, 1995 1438 REGULAR AGENDA 1. The City Council considered the process to study organized collection. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to table consideration of the process to study organized collection to the October 18, 1995 meeting and direct staff to provide results of the survey and clarification of the intent of Brooklyn Center and New Hope. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered bids and a resolution awarding a contract for Tennis Court Resurfacing Project 95-7. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-73 RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR RESURFACING FOUR TENNIS COURTS AT WELCOME AND NORTH LIONS PARKS By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 3. The City Council considered the request to order preparation of assessment rolls and set the date for a public hearing for the 1995 sealcoat program and miscellaneous city projects. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-74 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS AND SETTING DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR 1995 SEALCOAT PROGRAM, DISEASED TREE REMOVAL, WEED CUTTING, DEBRIS REMOVAL, FALSE ALARMS, AND DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARGES October 2, 1995 1439 By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Anderson; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 4. The City Council considered the acceptance of the Phase 2 Feasibility Study Report prepared by Short Elliott Hendrickson, Incorporated, for the southeast street rehabilitation program, and to order a public hearing for Phase 2. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-75 RESOLUTION RECEIVING FEASIBILITY REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT By roll call and voting aye: Herbes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Anderson, Grimes; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 5. The City Council considered a resolution relating to renewal of lawful gambling premises permits for the Crystal Fire Relief Association at Rostamo's, 6014 Lakeland Avenue North, Main Event, 5316 West Broadway and Paddock, 5540 Lakeland Avenue North. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-76 RESOLUTION RELATING TO LAWFUL GAMBLING: APPROVING CERTAIN PREMISES PERMITS By roll call and voting aye: Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 6. The City Council considered the second reading of an ordinance amendment relating to city council salaries. October 2, 1995 1440 Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following ordinance wherein the annual salary of the mayor is changed from $7,421 to $7,800 and the annual salary of each councilmember is changed from $5,626 to $6,000, effective January 1, 1996: ORDINANCE NO. 95-15 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SALARIES OF THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SECTION 210 Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to amend the motion to change the 60 increase in 1996 to a 3% increase in 1996 and a 3° increase in 1997. By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf; voting no: Herbes; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion Carried. By roll call and voting on the main motion as amended: aye: Anderson, Grimes, Joselyn, Langsdorf; voting no: Krueger, Herbes; absent, not voting: Meintsma, and further, that this be the second and final reading of the ordinance amendment. Motion Carried. 7. The City Council considered the application for a 3.2 Beer Off -Sale license of Superamerica, 5359 West Broadway. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes to approve a 3.2 beer off -sale license for Superamerica, 5359 West Broadway. Motion Carried. 8. The City Council reviewed miscellaneous city budgets submitted by the Finance Director. No action was taken. October 2, 1995 1441 9. The City Council reviewed the City Manager's evaluation and salary recommendation for 1995. The city council had conducted an executive session at a special meeting held at 6:30 p.m. on this date to evaluate the performance of the City Manager. The Mayor Pro -tem announced that at the meeting the performance review had been completed, that a 30 increase was recommended for the base salary and that all other parts of the contract were to remain the same. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to accept and approve the 1995 salary recommendation for the City Manager as submitted. Motion Carried. Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Pauline Langsdo f, Mayor Pro -tem ATTEST: nice Scofield 'Acting Secretary LI C October 18, 1995 1442 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on October 18, 1995, at 7:00 P.M. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following councilmembers were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Landsdorf; absent: Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Stephen Bubul, City Attorney's Office; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works; Anne Norris, Assistant City Manager; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Steven Peaslee, Planner; Robert Nichols, Engineering Technician; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor Pro tem led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of October 2, 1995 and the Special City Council meeting of October 2, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of October 2, 1995 and the Special City Council meeting of October 2, 1995. Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. • 3. Acceptance of the investment report on investments held as of September 30, 1995 as submitted by the Finance Director. 4. Acceptance of the quarterly budget report for period ending September 30, 1995 as submitted by the Finance Director. 5. Acceptance of the city manager's quarterly expense report as submitted by the Finance Director. October 18, 1995 1443 Moved by Councilmember Herbes and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. It being 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Pro tem Langsdorf declared this was the time and date as advertised for a public hearing at which time the city council will consider a currency exchange license application submitted to the State of Minnesota by International Cash Box, Incorporated located at 6322 Bass Lake Road. Nobody appeared. The Mayor Pro tem closed the public hearing. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-77 RESOLUTION RELATING TO APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF CURRENCY EXCHANGE LICENSE By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 2. It being 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Pro tem Langsdorf declared this was the time and date as advertised for a public hearing at which time the city council will consider a resolution adopting the assessment for Phase 1 of the South Crystal Street Rehabilitation sewer repair and driveways. Those appearing and heard were: Scott Harri, SEH, Incorporated Robert Hanson, 8416 - 32nd Avenue North Walter Ramashko, 8008 - 35th Avenue North Tom Kenneth, 8241 - 30th Avenue North The Mayor Pro tem closed the public hearing. 1 October 18, 1995 1444 Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-78 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT PHASE 1 STREET RECONSTRUCTION WINNETKA HILLS DRIVEWAY AND SEWER SERVICE REPAIR By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Langsdorf, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 3. It being 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Pro tem Langsdorf declared this was the time and date as advertised for a public hearing at which time the city council will consider resolutions adopting assessments for the 1995 sealcoat project and delinquent service billings for diseased tree removal, weed cutting, debris removal, false alarms and utilities. Those appearing and heard were: sealcoat Project: James Worth, 5857 Perry Avenue North Anton Stockert, 6121 Florida Avenue North Jeff Lindboe, 5417 Angeline Avenue (written objection) Larry Lindboe, 5415 Angeline Avenue (written objection) Weed Cutting: Stuart E. Gale, 3148 Douglas Drive (written objection) The Mayor Pro tem closed the public hearing. A. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-79 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT 1995 SEALCOAT PROGRAM, PROJECT 95-2 October 18, 1995 1445 By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes- Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. B. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-80 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT DISEASED TREE REMOVAL, WEED CUTTING DEBRIS REMOVAL, FALSE ALARMS AND DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARGES By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Anderson; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 4. It being 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Pro tem Langsdorf declared this was the time and date as advertised for a public hearing at which time the city council will consider vacating unused right-of-way south of 5358 West Broadway. Nobody appeared. The Mayor Pro tem closed the public hearing. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-81 RESOLUTION VACATING A FORMER PORTION OF DOUGLAS DRIVE By roll call and voting aye: Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Anderson, Grimes; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 1 October 18, 1995 1446 OPEN FORUM 1. Gail Baumann, 6509 - 57th Avenue North, appeared before the council to voice concerns about Fantasy House, a business about to open on Bass Lake Road. 2. Lyle Horner, Sr., 6528 - 41st Avenue North, appeared before the council to voice concerns relating to vandalism of property of the V.F.W. Post #494, 5222 - 56th Avenue North. 3. Elizabeth Cook, 5701 - 36th Avenue North, appeared before the council to discuss responsibility of unpaid utilities in her recently purchased home. 4. Tom Officer, 6400 - 34th Avenue North, appeared before the council relating to construction in his area. He was informed the item appeared later on the agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 1. The City Council considered a site plan review of a proposed 8 -unit townhouse building at 3431 Douglas Drive North, as submitted by Hidden Creek Homes, Dave Kimball, Owner. Those appearing and heard were: Sophia Perlick, 3400 Edgewood Avenue North Ray Northfield, 3418 Florida Avenue North Tom Officer, 6400 - 34th Avenue North Sharon Garber, 3442 Florida Avenue North John Silcott, 3301 Edgewood Avenue North Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve as recommended by and based on the findings of fact of the Planning Commission site plan (Section 520 of the Crystal City Code) of a proposed 8 -unit townhouse building at 3431 Douglas Drive North, P.I.D. 20- 118-21-11-0009, as submitted by Hidden Creek Homes, Dave Kimball, owner, subject to the applicant providing a landscaping plan for review and approval by the city forester, executing a site plan agreement with the city, and providing a letter of credit or other suitable financial guarantee to cover the cost of site improvements including landscaping, paving, storm sewer, erosion control and curb and gutter. Motion Carried. October 18, 1995 1447 2. The City Council considered a request for a variance of 20' in the required 30' rear yard setback for a 22' x 22' attached garage on the existing house at 6919 - 52nd Avenue North. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to approve as recommended by and based on the findings of fact of the Planning Commission authorization pursuant to Section 515.56 of the Crystal City Code to vary or modify the strict application of Section 515.13, Subd. 4 a) to grant a variance of 20 ft. in the required 30 ft. rear yard setback for a 22' x 22' attached garage on the existing house at 6919 - 52nd Avenue North, as requested in Application #95-14.9 of Delphine Taratuta. Motion Carried. 3. The City Council considered an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan relating to the Land Use Plan to guide the area generally east of Douglas Drive, north of 30th Avenue, south of 31st Avenue and west of Brunswick Avenue for LR - Low Density residential development. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to approve as recommended by and based on the findings of fact of the Planning Commission an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan relating to the Land Use Plan to guide the area generally east of Douglas Drive, north of 30th Avenue, south of 31st Avenue and west of Brunswick Avenue for LR - Low Density Residential development. By roll call and voting aye: Joselyn, Krueger, Anderson, Grimes; Abstain: Langsdorf, Herbes-Wenberg; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion Carried. 4. The City Council considered a variance of 9 ft. in the required 30 ft. rear yard setback for a one -season porch on the existing house at 6504 - 38th Avenue North. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to approve as recommended by and based on the findings of fact of the Planning Commission authorization pursuant to Section 515.56 of the Crystal City Code to grant a variance of 9 ft. in the required 30 ft. rear yard setback for a one -season porch on the existing October 18, 1995 house at 6504 - 38th Avenue North, as requested in Application 495-13.9 of Thomas and Valeria Klatt. Motion Carried. The Mayor Pro tem called a recess at 9:10 p.m. and the council reconvened at 9:20 p.m. 5. The City Council continued consideration of the process to study organized collection. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to approve continuation of the process to study organized collection. Motion Carried. 6. The City Council considered a resolution relating to lawful gambling premises permit renewal applications submitted by Lions Club of Crystal for locations at Doyle's Bowl and Lounge, 5000 West Broadway and Palace Inn Broadway Pizza, 5607 West Broadway. Ed Thonander of the Lions Club of Crystal appeared and was heard. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the portion of the following resolution pertaining to Doyle's Bowl and Lounge, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-82 RESOLUTION RELATING TO LAWFUL GAMBLING: APPROVING CERTAIN PREMISES PERMITS By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion carried. Discussion followed regarding expenses charged to the gambling organizations by the owners of the premises. 7. October 18, 1995 1449 Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the portion of Resolution No. 95-82 pertaining to Palace Inn Broadway Pizza, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent. By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Langsdorf, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion Carried, resolution declared adopted. The City Council considered a resolution adopting the CO-OP Northwest Regional Housing Plan. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-83 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE CO-OP NORTHWEST SUB -REGIONAL HOUSING PLAN By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. The City Council considered a resolution approving city pledge for EDA Note for acquisition of 5454 Lakeland Avenue. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-84 RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SALE OF, AND PROVIDING THE FORM, TERMS, COVENANTS AND DIRECTIONS FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ITS TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT NOTE, SERIES 1995 IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $691,000 By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes- Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. J October 18, 1995 1450 9. The City Council considered authorization to issue a grading and filling permit for 3304 Hampshire Avenue North as requested by Larry Emond. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve authorization to issue a grading and filling permit for 3304 Hampshire Avenue North as requested by Larry Emond subject to the four (4) conditions set forth in the building official's memo of October 11, 1995. Motion Carried. 10. The City Council considered a resolution adopting the 1996 Fee Schedule for Administrative, Engineering, Fire, and Police licenses, permits and other charges, and utility parts in Appendix IV. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-85 RESOLUTION RELATING TO FEES AND CHARGES: AMENDING APPENDIX IV TO THE CITY CODE By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes- Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 11. The City Council reviewed miscellaneous budgets. No action was taken. 12. The City Council considered a resolution closing the 1990 Equipment Certificate Debt Service Fund. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-86 RESOLUTION CLOSING THE 1990 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATE DEBT SERVICE FUND October 18, 1995 1451 By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Anderson; absent, not voting: Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 13. The City Council discussed the October 26, 1995 council work session. 14. The City Council discussed North Metro Mayors Association priorities assigned to the proposed legislative agenda. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Pauline Langsdorf, Mayof Pro tem ATTEST: Darlene George, CjJty Clerk 1 October 26, 1995 1452 Pursuant to due call and notice given in the manner prescribed by Section 3.01 of the City Charter, a work session of the Crystal City Council was held on October 26, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following councilmembers were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf; absent: Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; Anne Norris, Assistant City Manager; James Mossey, Police Chief; Lieutenant Richard Gautsch, Police Department; Laura Kushner, Former Assistant City Manager. Also in attendance were: Jerry Botko, Police Department; and Jim Casserly of Caserly Molzahn & Associates. 1. The City Council discussed crime prevention. Proactive community policing/problem solving was discussed. 2. The City Council discussed an early retirement incentive program. Former Assistant City Manager Laura Kushner appeared to make a presentation. 3. The City Council discussed redevelopment properties in the City of Crystal. Jim Casserly of Casserly Molzahn & Associates, Incorporated appeared and was heard. 4. The City Council received an update from Anne Norris, Assistant City Manager, regarding Fantasy Gifts, a proposed new business on Bass Lake Road. 5. Mayor Pro tem Langsdorf requested information on the Livable Communities Act. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m. Pauline Langsdorf, Mayor Pro tem ATTEST: da, I , L�k� Ail-hy orris, AS/ s istant City Manager November 8, 1995 1453 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on November 8, 1995, at 7:00 P.M. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following councilmembers were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works; Anne Norris, Assistant City Manager; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Robert Nichols, Engineering Technician; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Mayor proclaimed November 13-19, 1995 as Minnesota Chemical Health Week in the City of Crystal. The Mayor acknowledged a donation by the Crystal Fire Relief Association of $23,200 to the Crystal Fire Department. The Mayor acknowledged a donation by the Lions Club of Crystal of $10,000 to the City of Crystal to purchase a vehicle for the Police Reserves. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of October 18, 1995 and the City Council Work Session of October 26, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of October 18, 1995 and the City Council Work Session of October 26, 1995 with the addition of James Casserly and Jerry Botko to the attendance record of the October 26, 1995 minutes. Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. November 8, 1995 1454 3. Approval of a solicitor's permit for Sexual Violence Center, 2100 Pillsbury Avenue South to solicit in Crystal from November 9, 1995 through December 9, 1995. 4. Approval for the Fire Department to use donated funds to purchase firefighter personal protective equipment, fire training program and equipment, miscellaneous tools and equipment for rescue trucks and special hazards trailer. 5. Approval to use lawful gambling funds for the purchase of Star City signs. 6. Approval to use lawful gambling funds for the purchase of a marked police reserve vehicle. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. It being 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Meintsma declared this was the time and date as advertised for a public hearing at which time the city council will consider Phase 2 of the Southeast Street Rehabilitation Project. The Mayor asked those present to voice their opinions or ask questions concerning the matter. Those appearing and heard were: Scott Harri, SEH, Incorporated Ella Johnson, 6408 - 31st Avenue North Don Sexter, 2937 Idaho Avenue North Jane and Carl Hassler, 2948 Kentucky Avenue North John Paulson, owner of 3501 Louisiana Avenue North David Moore, 6401 - 31st Avenue North Steve Schmidgall, 6534 Olympia St., Golden Valley Tony Kastanos, 3019 Hampshire Avenue North Greg Dotan, 2941 Georgia Avenue North John Wilenius, 3101 Florida Avenue North Mark Hoffmann, 3307 Zane Avenue North David Seffren, 5919 Medicine Lake Road Lizbeth Altman, 6600 - 32nd Avenue North Robert Mortenson, 3139 Florida Avenue North Dwight Friedline, 2959 Idaho Avenue North Paul Raetz, 2922 Hampshire Avenue North Joe Lenzmeier, 3034 Florida Avenue North Chuck Heineman, 3141 Idaho Avenue North Liz Bozarth, 2917 Hampshire Avenue North Joel Frary, 3043 Hampshire Avenue North November 8, 1995 1455 Sue Hodges, 2912 Hampshire Avenue North The Mayor closed the public hearing. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-87 RESOLUTION RELATING TO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: ORDERING THE STREET RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 95-6 (PHASE 2 -SOUTHEAST -STREET RECONSTRUCTION) By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma; voting no: Herbes-Wenberg. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. Open Forum 1. Tim Buck, 3126 Hampshire Avenue North, appeared before the City Council to voice a concern relating to cooperation of a city staff member. Mr. Buck was advised to set up a meeting with the City Manager to discuss the concern. The Mayor called a recess at 9:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:00 P.M. Regular Agenda Items 1. The City Council considered a secondhand goods dealer license application submitted by Growbiz, Incorporated dba Once Upon A Child, 223 Willow Bend, Crystal Shopping Center. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve a secondhand goods dealer license for Growbiz, Incorporated dba Once Upon A Child, 223 Willow Bend, Crystal Shopping Center. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered a resolution amending the Flexible Benefit Plan. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: November 8, 1995 1456 RESOLUTION NO. 95-88 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN By roll call and voting aye: Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 3. The City Council considered a resolution canvassing the vote and declaring the results of the General Municipal Election. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-89 RESOLUTION CANVASSING THE VOTE AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 4. The City Council considered a resolution approving a lawful gambling premises permit for Knights of Columbus Council #3656, 4947 West Broadway. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-90 RESOLUTION RELATING TO LAWFUL GAMBLING: APPROVING CERTAIN PREMISES PERMITS By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 5. The City Council considered a letter from Henry White of Tree Pro Tree Service, 3224 - 91st Avenue, Blaine, Minnesota, requesting suspension of a tree trimmer's license for the 1995 license year. November 8, 1995 1457 Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve suspension of a 1995 tree trimmer's license as requested by Henry White of Tree Pro Tree Service, 3224 - 91st Avenue, Blaine, Minnesota. Motion Carried. 6. The City Council considered a resolution electing to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program under the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act for calendar year 1996. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-91 RESOLUTION ELECTING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE LOCAL HOUSING INCENTIVES ACCOUNT PROGRAM UNDER THE METROPOLITAN LIVABLE COMMUNITIES ACT By roll call and voting aye: Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 7. The City Council considered a resolution of the North Metro Mayors Association relating to the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-92 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING NORTH METRO MAYORS ASSOCIATION RESOLUTION ON THE METROPOLITAN LIVABLE COMMUNITIES ACT By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes- Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 8. The City Council considered a resolution approving the use of PIR funds for the purchase of computer hardware required for the new LOGIS park and recreation system. November 8, 1995 1458 Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-93 RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURES FOR PURCHASE OF COMPUTER HARDWARE FOR LOGIS UPGRADE OF PARK AND RECREATION SYSTEM By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 9. The City Council reviewed various City of Crystal budgets and utility rates. 10. The City Council considered the first reading of an ordinance amending sewer rates. Moved by Councilmember Joselyn and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SEWER RATES AND CHARGES AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE SUBSECTION 710.05 and further, that the second and final reading be held on December 5, 1995. Motion Carried. 11. The City Council discussed the November city council work session. By consensus the council cancelled the November and December work sessions. 12. The City Council discussed representation on the Northwest Hennepin Human Services Council. The consensus of the council was to allow Jeff Bangsberg to continue serving on the Northwest Hennepin Human Services Council Advisory Commission, directing staff to extend thanks and appreciation to Jeff on the council's behalf. November 8, 1995 Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Peter E. Meinl5isMayor ATTEST: -Aa�w 'A'tc=� - Darlene George, Cit Clerk 1459 November 21, 1995 HEA N Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on November 21, 1995, at 7:00 P.M. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following councilmembers were present: Anderson, Herbes- Wenberg, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma; absent were: Grimes, Joselyn. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works; Anne Norris, Assistant City Manager; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Steve Peaslee, Planner; Gene Hackett, Recreation Director; Darlene George, City Clerk. Boy Scout Troop #530 of Crystal, which meets at Brunswick United Methodist Church, performed a flag ceremony and led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of November 8, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of November 8, 1995. Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. 3. Approval to use lawful gambling funds to purchase the Microsoft Access database software application plus five use licenses for a total cost of $1,500. 4. Approval of a 1 to 3 Day Temporary On -Sale Liquor License application submitted by Knights of Columbus 43656, 4947 West Broadway for an Annual Cadillac Dinner on January 26, 1996. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. November 21, 1995 1461 Open Forum 1. Lyle Horner, 5628 - 41st Avenue North, appeared representing V.F.W. Post #494, to discuss the ordinance regulating cigarette sales and to request consideration of amending the ordinance to allow cigarette vending machines in bars. Regular Agenda Items 1. The City Council considered a site plan review for commercial use at 5225 Douglas Drive. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to approve as recommended by the Planning Commission, Application 495-17.3 for a site plan review (Section 520 of the Crystal City Code) of the commercial reuse of a residential structure and a proposed office building at 5225 Douglas Drive North, as submitted by Joe Friberg, 1426 North Innsbruck Drive, Fridley, MN, with the following conditions: (1) The site plan should be revised to include buffering on the west property line. (2) The sole access to the property should be on 52nd Avenue North and located just west of the existing building. The site plan should be revised to reflect these changes. (3) The site plan should be reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council before a permit for the new building is issued to review elevations and finish materials. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered a resolution annexing Beth El Memorial Park. Moved by Councilmember Meintsma and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-94 JOINT RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONCURRENT DETACHMENT FROM NEW HOPE AND ANNEXATION TO CRYSTAL OF CEMETERY AT 3700 WINNETKA AVENUE NORTH PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE 414.041 November 21, 1995 1462 By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Herbes-Wenberg, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma; absent, not voting: Grimes, Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 3. The City Council reviewed swimming pool/water slide budgets. 4. The City Council considered the contribution to the Fire Relief Association. Steve Longaecker, officer of the Fire Relief Association, appeared and was heard. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve a contribution in the amount of $106,520.06 to be taken from Council Contingency, to the Firefighters Relief Fund to facilitate the transfer of all of the firefighters into the Defined Contribution Plan from the Defined Benefit Plan, subject to an agreement written by the City Attorney. Motion Carried. S. Consideration of an ordinance amending Section 515.51 of the Zoning Code relating to Planned Unit Development regulations. Mark Hoffmann, 3307 Zane Avenue North, appeared and was heard. Staff was directed to prepare various scenarios and place this item on the December 5, 1995 council agenda. 6. The City Council considered a resolution transferring property at 3033 Kentucky Avenue North from the City to The Economic Development Authority. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-95 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY TO THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL By roll call and voting aye: Herbes-Wenberg, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson; absent, not voting: Joselyn, Grimes. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. November 21, 1995 1463 7. The City Council considered a resolution approving a lawful gambling premises permit for Catholic Eldercare at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 4947 West Broadway. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-96 RESOLUTION RELATING TO LAWFUL GAMBLING: APPROVING CERTAIN PREMISES PERMITS By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Herbes-Wenberg; absent, not voting: Grimes, Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 8. The City Council considered North Metro Mayors Association's resolution relating to the Minneapolis Convention Center expansion. Moved by Councilmember Meintsma and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to approve support of North Metro Mayor Association's request for funding for expansion of the Minneapolis Convention Center. By roll call and voting aye: Herbes-Wenberg, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson; voting no: Krueger; absent, not voting: Joselyn, Grimes. Motion Carried. 9. The City Council considered a resolution relating to summary publication of ordinances. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-97 RESOLUTION RELATING TO SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCES 1 November 21, 1995 1464 By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Herbes-Wenberg, Krueger; absent, not voting: Joselyn, Grimes. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 10. The City Council considered a change in city elections to either even or odd years and a change in mayor and councilmember terms from three years to four year terms for councilmembers and two or four year terms for the mayor. By consensus the Council directed staff to place the item on the January work session for discussion. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. ATTEST: Darlene George, City Clerk Motion Carried. • December 5, 1995 1465 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on December 5, 1995, at 7:00 P.M. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following councilmembers were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works; Anne Norris, Assistant City Manager; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Steve Peaslee, Planner; James Mossey, Police Chief; Gene Hackett, Recreation Director; Scott Crandall, Assistant Fire Chief; Sarah Porter, Accountant; Darlene George, City Clerk. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. The City Council considered the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of November 21, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of November 21, 1995. Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. Open Forum 1. Carol Hanson, 5025 - 52nd Avenue North, appeared before the Council to request consideration of jobs for fixed income people similar to the Hennepin County program whereby citizens would work for the city to pay assessments. December 5, 1995 1466 2. Gail Baumann, 6509 - 57th Avenue North, appeared before the Council to present a petition signed by residents of Crystal as well as neighboring cities, opposing the opening of the Fantasy Gift Shop on Bass Lake Road in Crystal. Public Hearings 1. It being 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Meintsma declared this was the time and date as advertised for a public hearing at which time the City Council will consider adoption of the 1996 tax levy and the 1996 City of Crystal Budget. The Mayor asked those present to voice their opinions or ask questions concerning the matter. No one appeared. The Mayor closed the public hearing. Regular Agenda Items 1. The City Council considered the second reading of an ordinance relating to sewer rates. Moved by Councilmember Anderson and seconded by Councilmember Krueger to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95-16 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO UTILITY RATES AND CHARGES: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SUBSECTIONS 700.07, 710.05, 720.03 AND 720.05: REPEALING CRYSTAL CITY CODE SUBSECTION 720.03 and further, that this be the second and final reading. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered the first reading of an ordinance amending Section 515.51 of the Zoning Code relating to planned unit development. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to continue discussion of this ordinance to a subsequent meeting after discussion at a council work session. Motion Carried. December 5, 1995 1467 3. The City Council considered a resolution indicating the City's intent to include 5454 and 5518 Lakeland Avenue in a future tax increment financing district. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-98 A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT CERTAIN PARCELS ARE OCCUPIED BY STRUCTURALLY SUBSTANDARD BUILDINGS AND ARE TO BE INCLUDED IN A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes- Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 4. The City Council discussed financing for redevelopment projects. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve the use of $6,000 of unemcumbered tax increment funds in the Bass Lake Road/Becker Park project area to cover the portion of the purchase price of property at 3557 Regent Avenue North ($60,000), not covered by Community Development Block Grant funds, as recommended by the Community Development Director. Motion Carried. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to approve the use of $20,000 of unencumbered tax increment funds in the Bass Lake Road/Becker Park project area to cover the difference in the purchase price ($50,000) and the selling price ($30,000) of property at 3535 Zane Avenue North, as recommended by the Community Development Director. Motion Carried. December 5, 1995 M Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to approve funding from the Redevelopment Account in the amount of $25,000 to cover the shortfall for purchase of property at 3033 Kentucky Avenue North, as recommended by the Community Development Director. Motion Carried. 5. The City Council discussed charitable gambling maintenance charges and residence requirement. Staff was directed to place this item on a work session agenda for discussion. 6. The City Council considered the first reading of an ordinance amendment relating to misdemeanors. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adopt the following ordinance, and direct the City Attorney to draft a summary ordinance for publication: ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO MISDEMEANORS: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SECTION 2005.01 and further, that the second and final reading be held on December 19, 1995. Motion Carried. 7. The City Council discussed membership on the newly established Hennepin County Water Management Advisory Committee. No action was taken. 8. The City Council considered a resolution approving lawful gambling premises permits for Elk's Lodge 444 at 5410 Lakeland Avenue North and at Nicklow's, 3516 Lilac Drive North. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: December 5, 1995 1469 RESOLUTION NO. 95-99 RESOLUTION RELATING TO LAWFUL GAMBLING: APPROVING CERTAIN PREMISES PERMITS By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. The Mayor announced the comprehensive annual financial report for fiscal year 1994 qualified for a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting. The Mayor presented the Certificate of Achievement to Finance Director Jim Otto who is primarily responsible for Crystal having earned the certificate. At 8:30 p.m. the Mayor announced the council meeting would be recessed to conduct an executive session to discuss legal matters pertaining to Fantasy House Gifts. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to recess the regular meeting of the Council to go into executive session. The regular meeting of the City Council reconvened at 9:40 p.m. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:41 p.m. Peter E. Mein a, ayor ATTEST: Darlene George, CAty Clerk 1 December 19, 1995 1470 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular meeting of the Crystal City Council was held on December 19, 1995, at 7:00 P.M. at 4141 Douglas Drive, Crystal, Minnesota. The following councilmembers were present: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Also in attendance were the following staff members: Jerry Dulgar, City Manager; David Kennedy, City Attorney; Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works; Anne Norris, Assistant City Manager; Jim Otto, Finance Director; Steve Peaslee, Planner; Kevin McGinty, Fire Chief; James Mossey, Police Chief; Gene Hackett, Recreation Director; Sarah Porter, Accountant. The Mayor led the Council and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Mayor recognized a donation of $30 from Minnegasco and $50 from W. J. Cowette to the Crystal Fire Department. 1. The City Council considered adding a public hearing to the agenda relating to the sale of property located at 3505 Zane Avenue North to the Economic Development Authority. Proper notice of the hearing has been given. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to add a public hearing to the agenda relating to the sale of property located at 3505 Zane Avenue North to the Economic Development Authority. Motion Carried. 2. The City Council considered the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of December 5, 1995. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of December 5, 1995. Motion Carried. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the list of license applications as submitted by the City Clerk to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Approval of disbursements over $5,000 as submitted by the Finance Director to the City Council, a list of which is on file in the office of the Finance Director. December 19, 1995 1471 3. Set 7:00 p.m. on April 16, 1996 as the date and time for the Local Board of Review Meeting. 4. Acceptance of the resignation of Tom Kummeth, 3501 Louisiana Avenue North, from the Financial Advisory Commission. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. Open Forum 1. John Benson of Blaine appeared before the City Council to discuss rezoning of the Nafstad property and motel property purchased by the City of Crystal. Mr. Benson was directed to contact city staff. Public Hearings 1. It being 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Meintsma declared this was the time and date as advertised for a public hearing at which time the City Council will consider the 1996 tax levy and the 1996 City of Crystal Budget. The Mayor asked those present to voice their opinions or ask questions concerning the matter. No one appeared. The Mayor closed the public hearing. A. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-100 A RESOLUTION LEVYING TAXES FOR CERTIFICATION TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR FOR PAYABLE 1996 By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes- Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. B. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: December 19, 1995 1472 RESOLUTION NO. 95-101 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1995 BUDGET AND ADOPTING THE 1996 BUDGET By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 2. It being 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Mayor Meintsma declared this was the time and date as advertised for a public hearing at which time the City Council will consider the sale of property located at 3505 Zane Avenue North to the Economic Development Authority In and For The City of Crystal. The Mayor asked those present to voice their opinions or ask questions concerning the sale. No one appeared. The Mayor closed the public hearing. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-102 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY TO THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL By roll call and voting aye: Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. Regular Agenda Items 1. Hennepin County Library Director Charles Brown, Rockford Road Library Manager Mike McConnell and Library Board Member Jack Cole appeared before the City Council to review the Hennepin County library system, its facilities and its services. 2. The City Council considered the first reading of an ordinance rezoning property from B-3 (Auto -Oriented Commercial) to B-4 (Community Commercial) District at 6624 - 56th Avenue North and 5626 West Broadway and properties from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to B-4 (Community December 19, 1995 1473 Commercial) District at 5631 Hampshire Avenue North and 5639 Hampshire Avenue North. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to adopt the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING: CHANGING THE USE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN LANDS and further, that the second and final reading be held on January 2, 1996. Motion Carried. 3. The City Council considered a proposed lot split at 4705 - 36th Avenue North (Noble Drug Complex). Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-103 RESOLUTION APPROVING LOT SPLIT FOR PROPERTY IN NOBLE DRUG COMPLEX By roll call and voting aye: Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 4. The City Council considered a resolution approving the use of PIR funds on Phase III, repair work on the Fire Department aerial truck. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-104 RESOLUTION APPROVING PIR EXPENDITURE FOR REPAIR OF MACK AERIAL FIRE TRUCK By roll call and voting aye: Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. December 19, 1995 1474 5. The City Council considered Short, Elliot & Hendrickson (SEH) design contract for Phase 2 (Southeast Street Reconstruction) project. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-105 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FINAL DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES, PHASE 2 STREET RECONSTRUCTION By roll call and voting aye: Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 6. The City Council considered parking and striping aspects of Phase 2 Street Reconstruction Project. Residents Phyllis Garon and David Seffren appeared and were heard. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-106 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING LIMITED STREET STRIPING ON TWO MSA STREETS, PHASE 2 RECONSTRUCTION By roll call and voting aye: Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 7. The City Council considered Crystal's goals for Metropolitan Livable Communities Act. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to approve the Housing Goals Agreement, Metropolitan Livable Communities Act, as presented. Motion Carried. 8. The City Council considered the second reading of an ordinance relating to misdemeanors. December 19, 1995 1475 Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adopt the following ordinance, and approve the form of the summary ordinance for publication: ORDINANCE NO. 95-17 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO MISDEMEANORS: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE, SUBSECTION 2005.01 and further, that this be the second and final reading. Motion Carried. 9. The City Council considered the first reading of an ordinance amending the City Code and the Zoning Code relating to adult uses. Jim Thomson of the city attorney's office appeared and was heard. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to adopt the following ordinance and direct the City Attorney to prepare a summary ordinance for publication: ORDINANCE NO. 95 - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE: ADULT ESTABLISHMENTS: PUBLIC HEALTH: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE BY ADDING SECTION 1190, SECTION 655; AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE APPENDIX I (ZONING), SUBSECTION 515.39, SUBDIVISION 2, CLAUSE L, AND APPENDIX I (ZONING), SUBSECTION 515.41, SUBDIVISION 2, CLAUSE R: AMENDING CRYSTAL CITY CODE SUBSECTION 1220.01, SUBDIVISION 4. and further, that the second and final reading be held on January 2, 1996. Motion Carried. 10. The City Council considered a resolution adopting a portion of the 1996 Fee Schedule. Moved by Councilmember Grimes and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: 1 December 19, 1995 1476 RESOLUTION NO. 95-107 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A FEE SCHEDULE FOR 1996 By roll call and voting aye: Anderson, Grimes, Herbes- Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 11. The City Council considered a resolution transferring money between funds. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-108 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFERS BETWEEN FUNDS By roll call and voting aye: Grimes, Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 12. The City Council considered a resolution amending the Flexible Benefit Plan. Moved by Councilmember Krueger and seconded by Councilmember Langsdorf to adopt the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 95-109 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CITY OF CRYSTAL EMPLOYEE FLEXIBLE BENEFIT ACCOUNT PLAN AND SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION By roll call and voting aye: Herbes-Wenberg, Joselyn, Krueger, Langsdorf, Meintsma, Anderson, Grimes. Motion carried, resolution declared adopted. 13. The City Council considered the 1996 compensation plan and benefits for non -organized employees. December 19, 1995 1477 Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Joselyn to approve the 1996 compensation and benefits for non -organized employees as recommended by the Assistant Manager in a memo dated December 15, 1995 with an amendment to change the 1996 salary of employee #2 on the chart to coincide with the maximum salary for the position. Motion Carried. 14. The City Council considered changing 1996 regular meeting dates where conflicts occur. Moved by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg and seconded by Councilmember Grimes to approve changing meeting dates of regular city council meetings in 1996 as follows: November 5 (Election Day) to November 6, 1996. August 6 (National Night Out) to August 5, 1996. Motion Carried. 15. The City Council discussed changing the February work session from February 22, 1996 to February 15, 1996 due to a conflict with the North Metro Mayors Board meeting. Moved by Mayor Meintsma and seconded by Councilmember Anderson to change the date of the February work session of the City Council from February 22, 1996 to February 15, 1996. Motion Carried. Moved by Councilmember Langsdorf and seconded by Councilmember Herbes-Wenberg to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Pt 7r E. Meintsm Mayor ATTEST: December 19, 1995 Darlene George, City Clerk 1478