2013.02.05 EDA Meeting Agenda AGENDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CRYSTAL  REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2013 6:30 P.M. CRYSTAL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Consider approval of minutes from the January 3, 2013, annual meeting and the January 15, 2013, work session * 4. Consider acceptance of the 2012 Annual Report and 2013 Work Program * 5. Consider tentative acceptance of a proposal from Novak-Fleck to purchase a lot at 6529 th 50 Avenue North for construction of a new house * th 6. Consider acquisition of a 6709 44 Avenue North for demolition and redevelopment * 7. Other business 8. Adjournment * Materials attached 05/01/15 C:\\Users\\njohnson\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\2013.02.05 EDA Meeting Agenda_244288\\2013.02.05 EDA Meeting Agenda.docx